Whirlwind, a warrior from the town of Tinta, walked slowly across a small forest on the southwestern side of Shokoca. He was searching for the clan Spyre's hidden base. He had just been excepted into the clan, and was looking for the Headquarters where Spyre told him to look. As he was walking, he stopped to take a break. He sat down on a small log. He reached into the small pack on his back. When he removed his hand, he was holding a piece of moldy bread, and a canteen filled with only about 2 gulps of water. This was the last of the food that he packed when he left Tinta to join Spyre. Suddenly, he heard a cracking noise behind him. Acting on instinct, he remained calm and slowly removed the dagger that was attached to his uniform. Slowly, he turned around and looked behind himself. He saw nothing. "Who's there?" said Whirlwind calmly? "Wouldn't you like to know," replied a voice, in which Whirlwind could not identify. "Well, actually, I only wanted to know who was following me," said Whirlwind. He then heard another cracking noise. "Your wish, is my command!," yelled the voice. Suddenly, a form appeared behind Whirwind, and rushed torward him, grabbing his head and putting it into a headlock. The form then pulled out a dagger much shorted, and put it to Whirlwind's neck. Whirlwind acted calmly. "I mean you no harm," said Whirlwind. Growing impatient, he sliced the person's hand with his dagger. Whirlwind then got up off the log and looked at the person. He was wearing a dark black outfit and had the symbol of the Shadow on one arm where Whirlwind had sliced him. "What do you want?" asked Whirlwind. "And what is your name?" The person replied in a harsh voice. "My name is Porto, and I am a member of the Shadow. I have been sent here to stop you or any other new members of Spyre from ever reaching the Spyre headquarters," said the man. "I don't think so," was Whirlwind's reply as he threw his dagger at Porto. Porto was a greatly trained fighter, and grabbed the dagger out of the air, instantly throwing the dagger back at Whirlwind. Whirlwind was unprepared for this, and the dagger buried itself deep within his chest. Mortally wounded, and with Porto getting closer, Whirlwind threw another one of his daggers at the ground behind Porto, with the blade sticking up. Porto then pushed Whirlwind into the ground with his chest rubbing through the dirt. Summoning his last bit of energy, Whirlwind used his power of wind to push Porto back, making him fall on the waiting blade of Whirlwind's dagger, killing him instantly.