Nick looked around frantically. Talvin was beginning the ceremony, and Nick couldn't see any way of getting out of having to marry Kilana. Talvin spoke, "Nick Swindle and Kilana Brinna, I have the wonderful pleasure of joining the two of you in marriage. Marriage is an eternal bond. The two of you will be forever joined together under the watchful eyes of the Overseer." Talvin then began saying something in a language Nick didn't know, Kilana seemed to understand it, though. Nick hoped he was saying, "Ok, it's time to call this wedding off," but knew that probably wasn't it. He looked around again, knowing this was probably his last chance to get out of this. He had learned his whole life to look for opportunity. Opportunities present themselves often to those who know how to look for them. Nick figured there'd be something, a loophole, a distraction, something to get him out of this, but to his dismay, there wasn't. "I now declare you Mr. and Mrs. Swindle. You may kiss," Talvin had finished the ceremony. Kilana leaned over and kissed Nick. He thought to himself that this might not be all bad, the sex would be nice, but there's no way Kilana would let him go on traveling around and swindling people the way he did, this was bad. Suddenly, a sound was heard from outside. Talvin jumped, "What was that?" Kilana turned toward Nick, "Talvin and I are going to go see what that was. You stay here, love." Nick just nodded as they walked out. As soon as they left he smacked himself in the forehead, "Where was that distraction a few minutes ago?" It was an opportunity, though, even if it was a belated one. Nick decided to use this chance to get away, but he would need to leave a fake path for Kilana so she wouldn't end up finding him. When Talvin and Kilana returned to the house, they found Nick gone. Kilana yelled, "Nick?" They both looked around for him, and Kilana suddenly gasped when she saw a note laying on the table, "Talvin, this note. It says, 'We have kidnapped Nick Swindle. Don't even think of trying to get him back. If you ask us for him we will just deny that we have captured him. Signed, The Great Sentients.'" Talvin looked over at the corner table at the side of the house, "They've taken all my money, too! What do you plan to do, Kilana?" Kilana crumpled up the note in her hand, "He's my husband, I swear by the Overseer that I will find him."