Whirlwind sat up. Blood was gushing from his wound. He then heard many leaves rustling. Suddenly five more Shadow appeared. Whirlwind thought to himself, "Oh, great. I'm so weak, how am I going to fight five more Shadow?". Then an idea hit him. Whirlwind decided to make a run for it. He sat up, and faced the Shadow. "Uh, excuse me. What's that behind you?" said Whirlwind. The five Shadow looked behind themselves puzzled. Whirlwind took off in a flash, darting through trees. When the Shadow turned around, they saw Whirlwind taking off. They then took off after him. Whirlwind ran as fast as he could. Without warning, another Shadow appeared in front of him, wielding a dagger. Whirlwind, unable to stop, was stabbed by the dagger, and fell down unconscious. The other Shadow was Lartin, Porto's brother. Lartin removed the dagger from Whirlwind's chest, and glanced up to see the five other Shadow coming towards him. "Is he dead?" asked one of the Shadow. "No," replied Lartin in a harsh voice, "but he is having trouble breathing." Being very careful, the Shadow carried Whirlwind back to their make-shift base, deep within the forest...