Demise decided that taking on the name and persona of Sorrow would be a difficult thing to pull off so he decided to just renounce his previous relation to anybody in his family and become a "ghost", so to speak. Demise decided to change his name to Esimed to remind him of his previous life. Esimed was running through the woods and saw a man running from members of the Shadow. Esimed ran behind a tree in the woods and saw the man captured. Esimed was going to save the man, but if he was Spyre Esimed would die. He decided to go to the North East. After a week Esimed reached some swamps. He found some people living in some make shift homes, but Esimed went about 150 yards past the last home to find seclusion and found stuff to make a makeshift home for himself. That night his home was nowhere near complete and a man from the nearby village came up to him and told Esimed that he was welcome to come and stay at his and his daughter's home so he wouldn't have to sleep outside. Esimed said, "My home is over here so I don't have to socialize with you people." Just then one of the most beautiful woman Esimed had ever seen walked over and said, "What did he say father?" Esimed said, "I don't want to intrude, but if my home is not done tomorrow, I will take the offer." With that he turn to go back to his incomplete house and his shirt fell off his shoulder just enough for the man and his daughter to see part of the tattoo of Spyre.