Jadax tripped just as he was about to come at Araz and Araz fell off the roof, just catching hold of it at the last minute. Araz pulled himself up and at the same time kicked his brother in the face. While the two brothers were exchanging blows, Hyru was watching.
"Hahaha! This is perfect!" Hyru yelled. Araz was gaining the upper hand, and soon Jadax would die.
Araz punched at Jadax like there was no tomorrow. For one there probably wouldn't be. Then Araz drew a sword. As he slashed at Jadax, his brother jumped backwards off the roof and into one of the houses through a window. Grabbing a rafter, Jadax vaulted straight through the wooden roof and delivered a flip kick to his brother's chin. Araz flew off the roof, but it was too crowded to see where he landed.
By now the whole town was on fire. Araz survived his fall, but could not find Jadax.
Araz searched the outside of town. He decided to turn back when he found his sword stuck in a Foustine. Only Jadax could have had this sword. Also on the sword was a note which read: "Head west".