Artishan sat knowing that today she would have to leave her home to join the clan soon. She said goodbye to everyone and then a very special long drawn out goodbye to her boyfriend which she had fallen in love with. "Why won't you just come with me so that we can be together. It would be great," She told him. "I can't go. My place is here. Don't worry we will see each other again, but for now you must go and join your clan." Amer answered. Artishan nodded and then said, "Goodbye." "Bye," Amer replied. With that she left to meet up with Kinshiro at the KST sub-base to become a true clan member and join the others in battle. On her way about a mile down the road she encountered a small chest lying on the ground with her name carved on it. She knelt down to open it. Inside was a note, a uniform, and a long knife. The note read: "Artishan, Wear this suit. It is now yours to prove you are in the Kin Shi Tal. The knife is also yours in case you need it on your journey." Artishan took the items and continued another 4 miles that day before stopping to rest. She was now only 5 miles away from where she needed to be so she decided that she would rest. She ended up falling peacefully asleep on the grass.