Abidar and Elarian strode into the village of the Blood of Gods with the defeated attack party close-by chanting various worshipping songs. Abidar put his hood of his cloak on turning himself invisible. The other villagers saw this and ran. George Swindle stepped out of his hut to see what the commotion was about. "You there. Who are you, and what did you do to them?" George demanded. "I did nothing," Elarian replied, "He did it." Elarian pointed to a spot behind George. George turned to see what looked like a heat wave condense and take the shape of a person. The person then slowly turned into Abidar. Abidar struck George in the head knocking him unconscious. Elarian dragged George into his hut as the villagers looked on frightened. Once inside Elarian took an emerald from his belt. "He may be more use to us alive." "I was great, no one can beat me!" Abidar cried. "Right," Elarian mumbled. A green light permeated the dark hut. George's soul was removed from his body and like a draining tub of water, it was sucked into the emerald that Elarian was holding. "Take this as a bargaining tool for Nick Swindle. Just in case." "Why would I need to?" Abidar questioned. "I can handle Nick if he bothers me." But before Elarian could respond he went into a trance-like state. Suddenly there was a noise outside the hut followed by screams from the villagers. Abidar went out to investigate. There standing by a rapidly closing portal was two beautiful women. "Hello, who said you were invited?" The taller of the two looked down at him. "Angestal did." A fire ball headed in Abidar's direction. Luckily, Abidar was too quick and dodged the fireball. "Hey, O.K. Jeez, I was just asking." Elarian appeared from the hut and welcomed their guests. "Abidar this is Blaze and this is Angefire. They were sent here by Angestal to help us. Angefire will be traveling with you to make sure you are safe." "Oh so you don't trust me. I'm hurt." Abidar tried to look sad. "Abidar, I don't trust you any farther than I could hurl you with my powers." "Well. I'm off to the mainland," Abidar said later as he and Angefire were about to set off. He launched a boat and headed for the mainland. "There has got to be a faster way to get there." Abidar told Angefire. "Yes, there is." She said in a cool voice. She turned around and starting shooting large fireballs out the back. Faster and faster the boat went. So fast in fact it only took a few hours to hit land. "Good job." Abidar said to the drained Angefire. He looked around the port that they were at. "We're not too far from the town of Kaskia. It should only take a couple of hours to walk there." Abidar walked over to an Inn nearby. "But if we ride then it will be a lot faster." Abidar cloaked and ran into the stables. When the stable hand left, Abidar took two horses and came back out. "Here." After a short ride, they finally made it to Kaskia. Abidar stole enough money to get a room at an Inn in town. "Angefire you stay here and I'll go look for some useful information." Abidar left the Hotel and headed strait for the local pub. "Gimme the strongest thing you have," Abidar said to the bar tender when he reached his destination. "All right." The bartender poured Abidar something yellow-brown. Abidar sniffed it and walked over to the nearest woman. "You must be tired," said Abidar to her. She looked down at him. "Tired of you? Yes I am. Now leave me." Abidar wasn't going to give up that easily. He noticed that she looked buff. "Tell me, do you work out. Flex your muscles for me." She actually complied. She bawled up a fist, bent her arm at the elbow and her muscle bulged out of her short sleeve shirt. After Abidar's shock of her doing what he said, he finally noticed a tattoo under her right arm. "Hey, you're from the Twin Moons." "That's right." WHAM! She hit Abidar on the neck, knocking him unconscious. Right before he blacked out he heard the Bartender exclaim "Now how's he gonna pay for his drink?" Abidar woke up in a very nice room. He moved his arms to rub his sore neck. He found he could, but they were chained up to the wall. He looked up and saw the women that hit him. "My name is Zena, leader of the Twin Moon, and you are my slave." "Well, my name is Abidar and I'm not into this new age kinky kind of stuff. Although, I am willing to try it out if you are my love slave." "Fool!" She shouted and slapped him. When she did she dug her nails in and left five bloody streaks across his face. They bled profusely. Zena left the room and Abidar passed out again. He awoke to find that it was dark outside and that he was still chained up. Zena was back sitting at her night stand. "What do you want from me?" Abidar asked. She turned around. "Glad to see your awake. If you haven't figured it out yet, then I'll tell you. See, the other members were getting on my case for not have taken a mate to pass on the line. I mean I have my sister who has had several mates, but no child yet. Everyone is afraid that she cannot have children, so the job falls on me. And here you are. Besides, I thought you were cute, the way you tried to come on to me." Zena stood up and began slowly peeling her clothes off in front of Abidar. All Abidar could do is sit and watch. Not like he didn't like what he saw. Zena walked near him then turned and went to bed. I'd like to stay, thought Abidar, but I don't like to cook or clean, so... Abidar began hitting his now dried wound on the cuffs holding him. It hurt a lot. "Those chains cannot be broken by someone as small as you," Zena called out from her bed. "I know, I'm just trying to get comfortable." "Soon, with good behavior, you'll get to sleep with me in my nice, warm, and comfortable bed." Zena replied. Abidar got his face wound opened very wide and covered both cuffs with all the blood he could muster. Then he slipped his hood on and disappeared like a shadow in the sunrise. All he had to do now was wait for an opportunity to escape...