After taking George's soul and meeting with Angefire and Blaze, Elarian set sail for the mainland. Elarian headed for the main headquarters of The Den Of Souls. He took Blaze with him and sent Angefire with Abidar. Upon arriving at fairly large house, he stopped and knocked. A man answered the door, "Hel... Elarian." The man obviously knew who Elarian was because he dropped to his knee. He was Jon Levard a man who was fiercely loyal to the Den Of Souls. Elarian said, "I need 3 things, first their is a odd pain in my stomach." "You aren't immortal anymore." "No." "Then the pain is hunger, I have some bread for you and the lady." "She is dead, she doesn't eat." "What else?" "I need weapons, preferably a pair of Kamas." "I have a pair, finally?" Elarian gave him an evil look. "Your soul." "For the good of Angestal," said Jon and he drew his knife and stabbed his heart. Elarian took his soul, for a reason. Jon had the ability to open a portal to anyplace that he has been and use it to travel. Now Elarian had the ability to open portals, unfortunately after opening a portal a person must recharge. Elarian, after having eaten and armed, opened a portal to the Den of Souls headquarters. Blaze said, "You have got to teach me how to do that." Upon his arrival Somul Pisan was talking to his followers. The portal startled Pisan. "Greetings," Elarian said. All the people bowed to him but Pisan, Pisan had a secret hatred for Elarian because he was granted more power by Angestal then he. Elarian said, "I need to use the altar." "Of course," Pisan said. Elarian meditated on the alter to Angestal and his soul was transferred to Ange. "It is you Elarian," a dark voice said. "Why have you taken my powers Angestal," Elarian said. "Relax Elarian. There is reason for doing this. I need a human to accomplish the task I am about to give you." Elarian said, "Then why not get someone else." "You are my best fighter but you weren't human and I need a human. I have found a way to escape Ange. To do so I need the soul from a certain person in each clan. You must defeat each of them in one on one combat and take their souls, then bring them to me." Elarian, after having been given his mission, transferred his soul back to his body and got ready to leave. "Stay here I won't be long," Elarian said to Blaze. "OK, but don't take too long," said Blaze. "Oh, so your going to miss me?" Elarian said. "No I just want to go out and kill someone," she replied.