Day 17 The second moon was moving away from the sun. A glorious ring of light appeared on one side. Slowly it grew in size until the ring became an arc, and the arc became a full circle, spreading light across the countryside of Dunnhizigyz. Nick watched the eclipse ending. It was a wonderful sight. Since he was a child he hated the yearly week long eclipse, and this year had been a particularly bad one for him. At least when he was a child he only had to worry about monsters under his bed. Now it was fanatical Manotics, tricky Reflectionists, and whomever that guy was who stabbed him. He put his hand over his wound. It was getting better, but it was the only thing that kept him from leaving this town yesterday. Basarigon, as odd as he was, was hospitable enough to let Nick stay for one more night until the eclipse ended. Besides, Nick was a little curious about the mysterious island of Kinshou. He'd never met anyone from there. Nick got up and walked outside. He was going to go to one of the local shops to get some breakfast, or was it lunch? With the sun having just come out, it felt like morning even though it was the middle of the day. People were unboarding their houses and checking out of the Inns. Nick's thoughts turned to what kind of business deals he could make before he left, assuming he even felt like staying that long. Suddenly, he heard a voice from a tavern close to him, "Thief!" On instinct he darted to a small alleyway between two buildings across the way from the tavern. He'd been called a thief and chased down plenty of times, but he wasn't the thief this time. From the alleyway he saw a man frantically running from the tavern. Before he could get very far two figures came seemingly out of nowhere. They looked like knights, but wore a strange kind of black armor. They were quick to beat the man to the ground and drag him away. Nick decided to forego lunch. This town obviously didn't have much tolerance for . . . those trying to further their wealth in less than honest ways. He went back to Basarigon's house to get his things so he could leave. When he got there and was about to open the door, he heard Basarigon talking to someone. He put his ear to the door and listened. Basarigon was speaking, "I don't have many events to report this week. This town's order hasn't been deteriorating much. I got word that you've been quite busy." The man he was talking to said, "Yes. There was a whole town in disorder. West Market. We got some from the Shadow, the Twin Moons, and Spyre." "Then you did have an eventful day, Signus." "We also found two brothers outside the town settling a family dispute with violence, a violation of the 45th statute. They were taken to the prison with the rest." Basarigon nodded as he listened to Signus then said, "My men haven't caught much except a few thieves, vandals, and gamblers. I have a feeling we will see many more statute violations, though. Is there any news from the homeland, from Kinshou?" Signus thought for a moment, then decided to relay only what he'd been told, "The F.H.E. is safely at bay for now." "What about The Beloved?" "No one knows yet." Basarigon looked concerned, The Beloved was something most in Kinshou didn't even like to talk about, "That's fine. Ushamo himself probably couldn't predict what will happen next. But I suppose everyone has a lot of faith in Zochi. Do you think he can succeed?" Signus looked almost offended, "Mr. Zochi can bring order to Monic. There is no one richer, wiser, or more able on this whole continent." Something Signus said caught Nick's attention. Apparently this Mr. Zochi was the richest man in Monic. Those are riches Nick wanted a chance to get a piece of. He waited at a nearby Inn until he saw Signus leaving, and set out to follow him.