"Tell me again why I'm here," said Jadax to a guard. "It is against the 45th Statute to settle family disagreements with violence." "Of whose laws??!!??" "Like I told you before, Mr. Zochi's." Jadax was thrown into a cell in a city called Jekopolis, just east of Kindling City, otherwise known as West Market. It was a pretty big city, might as well be the capital of Hakido. Supposedly it was against the law to fight your brother now that Mr. Zochi was "mayor" of the city. Obviously he was a moron. (Everyone that had family on Monic should be in jail by now) ******************************************************************************** It was a quick trial er, waste of 26.3 minutes, so Jadax was condemned to be thrown into Death Reef, an area 100 miles off the coast of Hakido. Famous for piranhas, eels, sharks, and other such seafaring death machines. Actually, it was not because of the fight with Araz, but because he was a member of Spyre (that really depends on your definition of member). The next day (Day 20) he would be taken out to sea with others out of Gregey Harbor, just south of Craterville, AKA West Market. He was thrown into The Dungeon (the basement) for the rest of his brief stay. He ended up meeting his fellow condemned while down there. There was a former gambler/smuggler now sea captain named Jon Valo (who had a price on his head by Mr. Zochi) and his partner Zew Yakka who was over 7 ft. tall and was here as bait during an attempt to rescue Jon by his yet unofficial girlfriend named Jaya, who ended up becoming one of Zochi's favorites and wasn't to be killed, (though hanging around Zochi all the time is worse than dying). Also two of the utility men were with the two, as well as one of the guards, who was really Jons old friend Zando, who was also involved in the rescue attempt, but never caught. ******************************************************************************** They were all to be executed on the same day. Jadax agreed to help them escape if Jon would take him to Vestarez (a harbor town in Dunhizigyz (whatever its called) via his ship, the Century Eagle (OK, who knows where this is going?) He also told them he was really an undercover Shadow member falsely accused of being a Spyre, so that's how he got their trust. (If you really wanted to know) It involved nearly everybody on Jon's side, even the two utility men. If all went well they'd be free in no time and Jadax would soon be Dunhizi-whatever within (at most) 4 days. OK, on with it already... ******************************************************************************** It was the early morning of Day 20. One large ship (Mr. Zochi's main ship) and two smaller ones, one carrying Mr. Zochi's suck-ups and Jadax, Jon and Zew, the other with Just suck-ups left Gregey, just south of Hoboville, AKA Pyromaniac Heaven, also known as Corpseville, AKA West Market. Zando was on the ship with Jadax and them, and the other 3 were on the barge (as well as Mr. Zochi) About 9:30 am they reached Death Reef, which, by the way, is just a name, it's not a reef at all, it's a trench. Mr. Zochi asked for any last words. Jadax, not being stupid (in the mental sense or the fact that its a stupid line), didn't give Zochi the option of freeing or dying, though Jon did say thing about not getting any pleasure and worm ridden filth and such. (Jon, by the way, is not blind, though that guy in the captain's deck probably is.) ******************************************************************************** Jadax was the first to go in. Mr. Zochi gave the word and Jadax was moved onto the plank. Then, he dropped in, grabbed the plank, and flipped back over it onto the ship, catching the broadsword that one of the utility guys had thrown. At that, he started killing people. Zando freed Jon and Zew (made no sense in the movie, makes no sense here) Jadax got a shield from a dead guy, and jumped to the second smaller ship. In the middle of it, the barge which is actually a disguised war ship, started firing its cannons. By now, the crew of the first ship was pretty much either dead or in the water, a bad choice considering where they are. Jadax wiped out a lot of the second ship too, and proceeded to maneuver it close to Zochi's ship. Outside, Zando had fallen overboard, and was barely holding on to the side. Jon tried to pull him up, but suddenly the cannons caused the ship to capsize. Now Zew was hanging onto a rail with his feet, holding onto Jon, who was pulling Zando up. In the end, they all made it up, but they were slowly sinking. Meanwhile the two utility men cut Jaya's chains, which she then used to strangle Zochi. Then Jadax (who had to be the hero) found Jaya, pointed a cannon at the deck, and fired it with his foot, as they swung on a rope to the second small ship. The two utility men had jumped into the water, and were pulled up by a lifeline. They rescued Zew, Jon and Zando, and sailed off. In 3 hours they were all on the Century Eagle, sailing Jadax to Vesterez. And now to jump clear before the keyboard explodes.