5 days passed after Whirlwind's would be getaway. He became conscience after 2 days and on the other days he was pretending to be sleeping so he could think of a plan. When the Shadow were not watching him, he took the time to look around at the camp. There was a food supply, a weapon rack, and 7 beds (1 was for Porto, 1 for his brother, and 5 for the other Shadow, Whirlwind was on the ground). Whirlwind had fully recovered from his injuries, and was ready to put his plan into action. The next day when the Shadow were sleeping, Whirlwind took a large saber from the weapon rack. He then sat down on a log and waited for the Shadow to awaken. The first one to wake up was Porto's brother. He came out of a tent and was startled to see Whirlwind up. "What are you doing up. I'm going to send you back to your maker," yelled the Shadow. "On the contrary," replied Whirlwind; "I'm going to reunite you with your brother. Whirlwind charged him with all his might, and drove the saber right through Lartin's chest. He removed the saber as fast as he had put it in. Lartin then fell down, dead.