Demise walked up to Spyre, for he had been called. Demise dropped to his knees. Spyre said, "You are the most loyal member of this clan. As you know, Ultimate-Zero has left the clan. You must find him and kill him. He was stupid. He did not want to learn the ways of the clan. By the way, what is this I heard about you and your commander fighting in the woods? You know that in Spyre you should not have any emotions at all." Demise said, "I do not know what came over us sir." "Is there others that could have been at the heart of your troubles?," said Spyre. "I do not know sir," said Demise "If there is someone out of the clan that knows our secrets, then they must die," said Spyre. Demise got up and left. He was to kill one of his few friends, or betray the clan. It weighted on his heart. He would need proof of the kill. As he was getting the men for the party, he got people that were scared of him. When they left they were attacked by Corbane. Corbane drew his sword and ran at Demise. Demise just stood there, took a banana from a nearby tree and at it. When Corbane reached him Demise dropped the peel in front of him and then sidestepped Corbane's attack. Corbane slipped on the banana peel and fell off into a cliff. Demise looked at his men, and then down at Corbane in the bottom of the cliff. Corbane was the same height and build as Ultimate- Zero. He smiled at his men. They all knew they were not really looking for Ultimate-Zero, but someone that could be passed off as him. Since they were still in a days walk of the hideout, they burned the body, so it could be passed off as Ultimate-Zero, and put it in a shallow grave so they could find it, but know one know it was there other then them. They decided to walk for three days, then come back and get the body to Spyre. On the Second day they found a hut. On the outside was a grave, not too old by the looks of it. Demise sent a man to see if someone was home. The hut was empty of people. Demise walked in and they got some of the food in the cabinets. If was good salt cured meat. Demise looked up to a high shelf and spit out his meat. His men did not see what he grabbed, But they could see it was shiny. One of his men did see, and said, "It is a key, so what." Demise smacked the man and said, "It is one of the secrets of Spyre that only the strongest and most loyal members know." They all decided to get some sleep. When Demise woke up, his men said that an old man had been around, but ran when he saw all of the men. Then Ultimate-Zero came to him. He had been there for a few hours. Ultimate-Zero said, "You call??" Demise smiled and grabbed him by the arm. Demise and his men took Ultimate-Zero back to Spyre. When they got back, Ulitmate-Zero said what he had been told to say, "Sir, I did not leave Spyre. I needed time to think and I remembered about the keys, so I figured if I went to find the keys I could help the clan and have the time to myself. Here is one of the keys." Spyre was happy to see another key. He let Ultimate-Zero live, and granted him the time to himself, to look for keys, even though he knew Ultimate-Zero would not find anymore.