Abidar pulled at his chains for the 137th time in two days and hunger was beginning to set in. After Zena awoke yesterday she blew up, started throwing things and swearing. It was strange because she actually cried and it was a good long cry to. But that was then, this is now. So far there were absolutely no escape opportunities. He had managed to get his hood on and turn invisible. But now Abider's mind started to wander, "If I could only signal Angefire somehow." Suddenly Zena burst back into the room followed by another woman. This woman was tall with red hair. It was Angefire. Zena spoke first. "See, he escaped two days ago. You will find him and bring him back to me." Angefire spoke, "I will not! I have no reason to. Besides I know he has not escaped." With that she shot a small flame at the floor. It hit Abidar in the foot. His foot caught fire and he began to yell. "OWWWW! It hurts, put it out! Put it out!" Abidar screamed. Then Abidar's hood fell off as he tried to reach his flaming foot with his hands. Abidar reappeared and his chains fell off. Zena stood with her mouth gapped open. "You!" "Me?" Abidar looked around for some other flaming invisible-midget. "Guards!" Zena shouted. "Shh!" Abidar whispered. "You might get someone's attention. Then you'd be sorry." Two muscular women appeared. "Make sure these two are locked up for a long time," Zena said. Angefire look stunned at this statement, "Why the Ange do you want to lock me up? I didn't do anything!" "Simple, you have seen the inside of our base and since you are obviously involved with Abidar then you are a dangerous accessory. Take them away." The guards made their move on the two. Abidar threw a flying jump kick at the smaller one. She knocked him against the wall with ease. Angefire shot a fire-bolt at the second one and she tried to block it with her sword. Part of the flames caught her uniform on fire. It was silk and burned rapidly. The guard quickly ripped it off. "Has anyone here heard of underwear," Abidar said looking at the really mad nude as she stood up. The clothingless guard swiped her sword at Angefire who blocked with her arm and had her arm sliced wide open. No blood came out. "O.K. Time to go." Abidar said as he grabbed Angefire. Angefire threw fire at the oak dresser lighting it up like a torch. Abidar and Angefire leaped out of the window while the guards tried to put out the blaze. "Maybe this wasn't the best idea." Abidar commented as they fell. "Maybe your right," Angefire replied. They landed in the moat around the base and dragged themselves back to the nearest town. "While I eat you can tell me how you found me." Abidar said biting a large chunk of some type of meat. He didn't care what it was. It was food and it was delicious! "No problem." Angefire said sewing up her arm.