Elarian sat in the woods waiting for his next victim. It was Cyrus of the Shadows turn to fall at Elarian's hand. He had been hunting people from different clans to regain his power. Just then Cyrus came walking down the forest path. Elarian leapt from his perch on a tree. Cyrus looked startled. "We can do this one of two ways. One we can fight fairly without the use of our special powers or secondly we could use our powers and fight to the death," Elarian said. "I don't know," Cyrus said, "That depends on what powers you have." Without hesitation Elarian threw his Kama at Cyrus. Cyrus tried to dodge the kama but it struck him in the leg. Cyrus drew a knife and leapt towards Elarian. Elarian hit him with a punch that nearly knocked Cyrus out. The knife fell to the ground. Cyrus relied on his gift to battle Elarian, he turned himself into a mere shadow. Elarian moved slowly in a circle, keeping an eye out. Cyrus re-appeared and struck Elarian on the back. As he fell, Elarian grabbed Cyrus's hand and pulled him to the ground. Cyrus lunged for the dagger. Elarian pulled out his other Kama. Cyrus grabbed the dagger and turned right into Elarian's Kama. Elarian stood up and looked at the dead body. "Thank you," he said and took his soul. Elarian opened a portal back to the Den of souls lair. He has received the powers of people from the Den of Souls, Shadow, and Reflectionists. He looked for Blaze and found her throwing knives at some coochas (they resemble chickens). "Did you get what I asked for," Elarian asked. She went over to a cart and pulled a large sack off the back of it. Inside was the body of Tristian of the Swords Edge. "Excellent, he will meet the same fate as Cyrus. You have done well Blaze now go find Abidar. I need the stone I gave him." Elarian then opened a portal and Blaze entered it. "You know I could help you out Elarian," said Somul. "I would rather have the help of a dead foustine than you," Elarian responded.