Terico awoke with a headache. He couldn't remember what had happened to him. All he knew was that it was very dark and that he was tied up somehow. He struggled to free himself from his bonds, but they only seemed to hold him tighter as he struggled. He could tell that the ropes, or whatever they were, were thicker than most ropes and that they were very smooth. After a while his eyes began to adjust to the dark and he could make out some of his surroundings. He was in the corner of a small dark room and he was bound but not gagged. The corner across from him had what looked like his sword along with a small pile of stuff that was probably the rest of his belongings. The wall on his left had several shelves, filled with what looked like bottles or jars. Maybe both but he couldn't tell. And to his right was what looked to be empty cages. "Where am I?" He thought to himself. After a short time he heard voices outside the room. It was through the wall so he couldn't understand what they were saying or whose voices they were. Terico wondered if they were the voices of those who put him here. When the voices moved around the room and opened a door on one of the far walls his question was answered. Two men entered the room. The first was a small man with a limp and the second was a large, hulking brute. Terico couldn't see their faces because no light was cast upon them. "Ah, I see our visitor is already awake," said the small one. "You want me to knock him out boss?" the larger one replied. "There will be no need of that Derik. Not so long as Spectra holds him within her coils." "A stinge. He must mean a stinge," Terico thought to himself, "That would explain these weird bonds." (a stinge is similar to a snake) "I must say, I am impressed by you. Not many can wake up so quickly from an encounter with a spore boomer." Spore boomers were found in various caves around Monic. Spore boomers are a semi-toxic plant that only grows in the deepest parts of the caves. Their only form of self defense is to explode when anything touches them. This is also how they spread their spores. When they explode the air is filled with spores, which act as a form of sleeping gas on humans and most animals. There is one way of handling them which is to cover them in water because the moisture prevents the explosion. Terico, an experienced forest-man and spelunker, knew this and that is why he tried to get rid of it. Apparently his captor knew it also. "So Mr. Terico Jent, do you know why you have been made a guest in my humble abode?" Said the small one as he grabbed one of the jars from the wall. Terico sat and stared at him in silence. Across the room Terico's katana quivered in its scabbard. "No answer? Well no matter. I will have what I want from you whether you wish to talk or not." The sword started to shake more violently. Derik, the larger man, notices it. "Uhhh boss.." "Not now Derik I am doing business." "But boss!" "I said not now Derik, I am about to make us both rich so be quiet!" "Sorry boss." "Anyway back to you Mr. Jent. I have a proposition for you. You will tell me what I want to know or I will have Spectra here crush the life from you as slowly and as painfully as possible." Terico remains silent. Several minutes pass and the sword falls over. "Very well. Spectra crush him." As the large stinge wrapped its coils even tighter around Terico's helpless body, the sword frees itself from the scabbard and flies point first toward its owner.