Day 20 Nick had been following Zochi's aid, Signus, for two days. Signus had stopped at Revios for a while, having another secret meeting with someone like he did in Dinang. Finally, he was entering the town of Jekopolis. It was sort of a run down place, and Nick didn't have to guess which building belonged to Mr. Zochi. Standing out above everything else was a huge tower. It was well constructed, one of the sturdiest looking buildings Nick had ever seen. On the windows and doors he noticed a bar construction that looked a lot like what was on Basarigon's house. The windows were evenly spaced, each with bars over them. Inside each one he could make out a small room, just barely big enough for one person. It looked like it was probably a prison. The tower was monstrously tall, and extremely wide. The capacity had to be enormous. That was definitely where Zochi was. Besides, that's the building Signus was walking into. Nick walked quietly to a window and listened, hoping to overhear anything he could about Mr. Zochi. Signus was talking to a soldier. He could barely make out what the soldier was saying, "We've just got word. Mr. Zochi is dead." Signus was stunned, "What! He was the most powerful man in Monic, how could he just be killed like that?" The soldier murmured some things about Zochi's final wishes, saying that all money and responsibility for the mission were turned over to Signus. Nick paid close attention to the talk about money. It seemed that Signus was now the richest in Monic. Nick would have to exploit that. He walked up to the door and knocked on it. Someone lifted the bar-like lock and opened the door. A soldier, probably the one Signus was talking to, pushed the door open, "What business are you here on?" Nick had already put on a look of anguish and despair, "I just heard the news. I came to offer my condolences after the death of my good friend, Mr. Zochi." Signus looked over at the doorway, nodding for the soldier to let Nick in, "You were friends with Mr. Zochi? What's your name?" Nick walked in, "My name . . Barry Scott. I'm just a simple travelling merchant, but Mr. Zochi and I were childhood friends. I've known him most of my life and just couldn't believe it when I heard he was dead." Signus still looked at Nick. Nick couldn't tell if he was convinced yet or not. Signus said, "Childhood friends? Yes, you must be from the homeland. Zochi talked of all the childhood friends he had there that he never got to speak with anymore." Nick said, "Yes, I only came from the homeland recently, to see my old mentor, Basarigon. I meant to stop by and visit Mr. Zochi, but I guess it's too late for that now." Nick tried to look extremely mournful, like he was about to cry. In reality he was holding back a huge grin, Signus was buying it. Signus said, "It has been a shock to everyone. I was his aid, Signus. If you need somewhere to stay, you're welcome to stay here if you need to, Barry. I know it's a prison but we have some guest bedrooms." Nick just nodded, "I will. Thank you. It . . it just makes you think. I mean, Mr. Zochi is dead. In this chaotic place, any one of us from the homeland could be the next to die. Things like power and money, it almost seems like things like that aren't important anymore." Signus nodded, listening to what Nick was saying, "You're right, Barry. Any of us could die, the homeland itself could die. With the situation with The Beloved, none of us know what will happen. We shouldn't keep waiting." Signus turned toward the soldier, "Ready our army. Prepare them to attack at once. The Shadow are weakened from their war with the Twin Moons. We'll attack them first." The soldier pounded his fist on his chest and turned around, running out of the building to pass on the order to attack. Nick stood there, not believing what he was hearing, "What? You're going to what?" Signus, stood there, seeming proud of his decision, "It's time we brought order to Monic, just like Mr. Zochi planned." Nick entered one of the guest bedrooms. He had tried to get Signus back on the subject of money, but had failed and given up. He still couldn't believe it. Because of one comment he made, Signus was starting a war with the Shadow, and probably every other power in Monic from the way he was talking. This was not good, even though he didn't know much about it, Nick didn't feel like living under Kinshou rule. A huge regiment of soldiers marched out of Jekopolis, with more still preparing to get underway. They were all wearing strange black armor, with various darkly colored crests on the sides and back. Each of them also carried a sword coated with some strange substance. They all marched in perfect sync. Every aspect of their appearance, their armor, their weapons, their stature, was crafted to be intimidating. At the Shadow base, everyone was preparing for a fight. The Shadow's spies had been keeping an eye on Jekopolis, and knew there were soldiers there ready for battle. They didn't know just how many there were, though. At the Kin Shi Tal city, too, people were preparing. A messenger had just rode in telling them there was an army on the march. Among them was Artishan, only being two days into her training. A friend she had just made a day ago had told her to get ready. She wasn't sure what was going on, or what to expect, but the Saigono Force had been sent, so she knew it was pretty bad. Outside the Shadow base, Whirlwind was running along a ridge. He had just escaped the Shadow, and was wondering why they weren't following him. As he reached the top of the ridge, and looked down into the valley below, he saw the reason. The enormous battle line of black armored soldiers was coming straight toward him. Soldiers on one side, Shadow on the other. He had nowhere to go. Nick looked in amazement from the tower. More soldiers than he would ever have thought were at Signus's disposal. Many had left the town and there were still more. He was witnessing the beginning of a war, and he could tell already that it was going to be a bad one. He had moved from the guest bedroom to one of the upper floors, where the cells were. There was a better view from there. While he was watching, someone in one of the cells yelled over to him, "Hey, help me get out of here." He looked, and saw a familiar looking man. It wasn't anybody he'd seen before, but many of his features looked familiar. "Do I know you?" Nick said. The man replied, "I don't think so. I'm Araz Firestorm." Nick just stared at him, "Related to Jadax Firestorm?" Araz shook his head, "Yea." Nick turned around and looked out the window. The endless parade of soldiers continued, "You might not want to escape. Right now, this might be one of the safest places you can be."