Day 20 Jekopolis Araz looked out the barred windows of his prison cell. He asked the man in the tower "Where are all those soldiers going?" "They're attacking the Shadow." Nick replied. Araz felt helpless. He was stuck in a cell while his clan was attacked by about 10,000 soldiers. And they were already weak enough from the war with the Twin Moons, who were probably at the Shadow base right now anyway. And there was nothing he could do about it. And it was all Jadax's fault (sort of.) **************************************************************************** Day 21 Yehaskala (port town south of Rolin City) The "Eagle" docked, and Jon, Jadax, Zew, and Jaya got off. Zando and his two friends stayed on board. They slipped up, and Jadax went into a bar. He sat down at the counter and ordered a drink. While he was drinking, the bartender went over to a group of four tough looking men at a table and whispered, "That's one of 'em." The bartender went back behind the counter like nothing happened. Jadax ordered another. While the bartender went to get it, a paper on the wall caught his eye. He got up to examine it, but one of the men from the table charged at him with a sword. Jadax drew his. The man swiped, and Jadax backed away. Unfortunately, he tripped and fell over the counter when he dodged. He rolled to his feet, and found the bartender with an ax raised over his head. He jumped out of the way, then killed him. One of the other men jumped over the counter, but Jadax slashed his stomach open. Then Jadax jumped over the counter himself, and impaled one of the other men. The path to the doorway was now open, and Jadax used it. Jadax ran back to the "Eagle", along the others. They were being followed by the two from the bar still alive, as well as a few from other buildings. They all got back on the ship, and Zando pulled up the anchor. Jadax learned that Jon and Zew had gone through a similar encounter in the weapon shop across the street from the bar. And Jaya found a poster that read: WANTED: FOR POSSIBLE MURDER OF MR. ZOCHI (no first name given) It had pictures of Jadax, Jon, Zew, and a few others that were near Zochi at the time of his death. It also said that there would be a §15,000 reward for the capture/murder of any of them. It hadn't been much of a rest stop, but at least they found out something. **************************************************************************** Morning 23, Vesterez. There were bounty hunters here, too. As soon as Jadax had said goodbye to Jon, Zew and the rest, he was chased out of town. It seemed that word had reached here, too. He spent all day in the forest outside town. He managed to steal a newspaper from a traveler to see what was going on. He had been on a ship for three straight days, after all. On the front page he read that the Shadow had been massacred at their base by Signus's troops. (The Twin Moons there had also been killed.) The leader, Panther, had gotten out alive, but not many others. The soldiers had turned northeast towards KST City. and would be there soon. (The paper was a day old, so Jadax figured they were fighting the Kin Shi Tal at that very moment.) The war between Shadow and Twin Moons was pretty much on hold (again) because of the attack. Nothing else was that major. Jadax decided to sleep out here until the bounty hunters left town. **************************************************************************** Night 23, forest near Vesterez Jadax woke up about at midnight for no real reason, and noticed a figure in a tree. He got out his pistol-style crossbow, just in case. He went for a closer look, and the figure swung to another tree via grappling hook. Jadax shot him, but only scored a hit on the arm. A dart whizzed by his ear and stuck in a tree. Jadax shot again, and knocked the man/woman/whatever out of the tree. He drew his sword and charged at the figure. He slashed him/her/it twice, then dodged a few shurikens, then stabbed for the kill. He searched this person, who seemed to be in a Ninja suit, and found several throwing weapons, a cloth, a packet of a chloroform like substance, and, a rose. Jadax suddenly remembered hearing about "The Rose", better known as Gorgio W'Tcaps. He placed the rose between Gorgio's teeth, and then got an idea. He took the Ninja suit off the corpse, and put it himself. He would sleep until morning, then he would enter town as Gorgio W'Tcaps...