Rodan waited up all night and as the sun began to rise he decided he would go in for the kill. He jumped off the ledge and kicked in the door. Sky was already awake and was startled by the intrusion. Rodan leaped into the air and planted his foot into Sky's chest. Sky then crashed into the wall and knocked over the bag on his bed. The bag held an assortment of weapons. Sky pulled out a long sword and began to fight Rodan. After a few minutes of fighting the manager of the Inn came up the stairs to see what all the raucous was about. The manager stormed in knocking the broken door over. The door toppled over hitting Rodan. This gave Sky the chance he needed. Whirling his sword Sky sliced Rodan's stomach. Rodan sulked to the ground with his belly gushing blood. "What the ange is going on!" cried the manager. Sky quickly gathered his things and was about to leave. What he didn't know was that Rodan had charged a fire-ball with his last ounce of strength. The fire-ball shot out of Rodan's hands and nailed Sky right in the stomach blasting him out the third floor window of the Inn. Rodan then slowly crawled over to the broken window to see the effect of his fire-ball. To Rodan's surprise Sky was moving. Not much but enough to make Rodan want to shoot another fire-ball at him. As Rodan reached to charge another blast he suddenly collapsed and everything went black.