Signus looked down at the short man who stood before him, a slight frown on his face. He didn't like that Mr. Zochi had hired the scum, but he knew it was necessary for the task to which he had been assigned. "You have done your job well," Signus said to him, "I will see to it that you are paid the full amount that was promised to you." "I demand a bonus," the man said angrily, "I delivered him ahead of schedule, he did a lot of damage to my pets, and my partner is badly hurt." Signus sighed; he didn't want the greedy scum walking away with more than he was due, but it seemed he had no choice. He needed him for another task and then his usefulness will end. After which he could languish in a cell along with all the others in the prison. "Very well. I have this to offer you, I will pay you in full for this job and you can stay here while your partner heals. Then in a week you will set out for your next task at triple what I am paying you for this one." The man's eyes lit up at the thought of all that money, washing away any traces of anger. "Yes, yes that is most acceptable. Derik will be on his feet in a week and we shall get going." "Very good. You may leave." The man nodded and turned around, exiting the room. "What did he say boss?" said a large man who was waiting at the door. "We'll get triple for the next job he is going to give us. You know this is going to be very good for us Derik. We may be able to retire." "Dat's great boss, cuz I don't see too good no more." The large man rubbs a patch which lay over where his left eye used to be. "Yes Derik, I know he hurt you and he hurt Spectra to. But now he is paying for it! They'll pound what they want from him and then leave him to rot in that cell for eternity, heh heh." "Yeah, Dats good boss." * * * * * * * * * * Up in a cell Terico hung. He was in pain considering his options for escape but they were slim. They had him hanging on the wall with some manacles, his window was too small to squeeze through, and he was guarded around the clock. He didn't like his odds, so he hung wondering what they could possibly want him. But what was worse Terico felt like something was not right with the world and he needed to get to his clan to learn what was happening before it was too late.