One week. Esimed had one week to teach the Gomanons to fight and they didn't even have any weapons. Esimed picked eight of the men from the village and decided to steal some weapons from KST City. When they got there it was night and Esimed walked to one of the shops. When he tried the door and couldn't open it, he climbed up the side of the building and slipped into the top window. When he got in he found out it was the shop owner's room. Seeing the shop owner start to wake he quietly got ready to slit the owner and his wife's throat. But then he remembered that it was things like this that made Goba's daughter fear him, so he made a different move. He grabbed the man and woke him up. Staying in the dark, he told the man to be quite if he wanted to live. Esimed could tell that the owner was about to put up a fight but when Esimed looked at the owner's wife the owner sat down defeated. Esimed walked around him, staying in the dark, and tied him up. Then Esimed woke the wife, with his hand over her mouth, and tied her up. He told them he was taking some weapons and if he could, he would try to pay them back. With that he ran down the stairs, opened the door, and got his eight men to help load a wagon full of weapons. They didn't want to ruin the owner so they took no armor even though Esimed knew it was a bad idea. In the time left, Esimed put his thoughts of Seda (Goba's daughter) out of his mind. Esimed gave the men a quick lesson on how to use Swords, daggers, and axes. After showing them enough to at least stand on their own he showed the men where to hide so that they could surprise the raiders. When the raiders came there was only 13 of them. By this time Esimed had let his feelings for Seda explode in a rage of anger, toward the raiders and what they might do to her. As the raiders rode into the village, men jumped out of the trees. The attack caught the raiders off guard and the battle was over in seconds. Esimed looked around...there was only 11 raider's and 4 villager's bodies. Esimed turned to look the way the raiders had came. He saw one running away. Esimed didn't have a bow and when he looked around to get one, he remembered they didn't have any. He ordered three of the villagers to follow the man. That left one man to find. Esimed heard a scream. It was Seda. He ran to her hut to see the last raider coming at her with a knife. As Esimed entered the hut the man turned toward Esimed and started coming at him. Esimed killed the man with no problems and he saw Seda walk away with haste. She still feared him. Esimed left the hut and checked the wounded. Later that night one of the three men he sent after the raider ran into town just as an arrow stuck into to his back. Esimed saw a group of at least a hundred men riding toward the village. Esimed called the villagers out of their huts. A village of under trained men versus a hundred trained men, the odds certainly looked against them. Esimed turned to the man next to him and told him to get the women to a safe place. With that, Esimed jumped into the heat of battle. In the morning the village was destroyed and dead lay everywhere. All but about 5 of the raiders were dead and most of the villagers were dead. All that saved the villagers from being wiped out was the fact that when the three men didn't return right away Esimed had the foresight to get the villagers together and make lots of well placed traps. The traps alone killed about 30 to 40 of the raiders. Goba was walking around the village. Most of his friends were dead, his home was gone, and their lives were destroyed. Goba knew of a village about 20 miles into the swamp that was also attacked often by the raiders. That was where the survivors would go. Goba asked a passing villager about Esimed. The villager said that Esimed was wounded and the village healer was not sure if he would survive. Just then Goba saw his daughter in what was left of Esimed's hut. Goba walked over to Seda and asked her what she was doing. Seda looked at her father and asked him if it was wrong to care for an evil man like Esimed. The Healer walked up to Goba, after seeing them near Esimed's hut, and said that Esimed would live but he could not be moved for at least a week.