Intro Esimed Location: Travelers Hill Day: 146 Esimed walked into the pub. He felt in his pockets and fingered his talics. Just enough money for food and an ale. Another night on the cold ground, he thought. Why did he always take the jobs that paid little or no talics? He was worth the big jobs. In the past when he went by his given name of Demise, people feared him and ran at the sight of him. What has happened to me, Esimed thought, but he knew. Seda happened. He loved her and could not have her. Esimed laughed to himself. A murderer falling in love. Seda never once showed a love for him. She never showed nothing but terror when I was around her, Esimed thought. Before he met Sorrow his life was so easy. That was the first time he broke the rule Spyre's rule. After that he broke it again and again. Then he fell in love with Seda, and got her killed. Now he helped people who had no protection in her memory. Esimed sat down at a table so he could keep brooding. A tall, young serving girl walked over to his table. "She looks a little like Seda," Esimed said to himself. What am I doing, he thought. He was old enough to be her great, great, great, great, grandfather. No, physically he was not that old, but had lived that long. Esimed ordered some stew and an ale. As he sat there he watched the serving girl walk to get the ale and saw a man slap her bottom and another pinch it. The girl had a look in her eyes that gave away that she didn't like it but went on working. Esimed just stared at the girl and started to feel sorry for her, but then tried to control his emotions. As he watched the girl walk back the man that had slapped her the first time slapped her again. With that Esimed was over the table with his dagger out. Before the man could blink, Esimed's dagger was at his throat. Esimed yelled at the man to stop treating the girl that way. As he started to put his dagger up, he thought...once you let your emotions go, they are hard to put back up. He turned to leave, then handed the girl his talics, and left the pub. A cold ground and an empty stomach, what a night, he thought.