Day 150 Vandalism for Fun and Profit Geist couldn't help but chuckle to himself, even though he was carrying a heavy load. Soon after leaving the Sword's Edge on his way to Hakido City, he came upon a little town called Marshe, a peaceful little burg loyal to Hyru and mostly without problems. That was until earlier this morning. It seems that somehow (no one in town is quite sure how at the moment) the statue of Hyru, which stands so proud in the center square and keeps watch over the town and the surrounding area, misplaced it's head. It was chaos that morning and people were starting to panic. They shouldn't have had too much to worry about though because Geist had provided an escape route just in case the Rampage Corps were sent to destroy the village. Soon, Geist came to a nice clearing. He set the head in the center and moved outside to wait and watch. He was not disappointed, for soon a couple members of the Predatory Corps made their way into the clearing. 'It must be tax day' Geist thought as he slipped from his hiding place and stalked towards the agents. One of them turned to face him shouting, "Who goes there?" While drawing his sword. The other was not so lucky. In a blinding flash of steel, Geist assaulted them. It was over in seconds and both agents lay dead before they had a chance to respond. 'Trainee's' Geist thought as he turned away from the scene. But this time he hid his trail carefully as he made his way towards Hakido city. The Stealth Corps no doubt would be arriving soon. He hoped they'd be smart enough not to follow his trail.