Questions Day 151 Ahhh the sights and sounds of Hakido City; the people, the shops, the virtual anonymity in such a crowded place. With so much hustle and bustle on a busy trading day like today, not even Hyru's guards could keep track of everyone and everything going on, and that's just the way Geist liked it. Of course he kept anything that could be incriminating, his sword in particular, up hidden in the room of a cheap Inn that hadn't asked him for his money yet. This way he could walk around the town freely, seeing what he could trade for in the way of provisions for his travels, as well as a way of finding some means of backing in his little endeavor. Geist figured out quickly that being alone in the world the way he decided to live would be a quick end to him. So off he went, trading with his ears open. To the right class of people, however, he let it slip that there was a new mercenary in town. Geist hoped that it would give him a few leads. After a long day of trading with little results(he's a sword fighter, not a Talictician after all) he retired to his room. He was lucky again because the keeper didn't ask him for any talics, although in the back of his tired mind he knew it wouldn't last. As he slept things were happening quickly on the streets below. The Rico Gel dealers and other crime cartels whispered to themselves over who this newcomer was who advertised muscle and what in Hyru's name possessed him to advertise so much? Did he want to get killed or something. Many decided to play it safe and have nothing to do with him. One man, a man who was only a criminal by Hyru's standards, was desperate enough to see him. Now that man needed only to figure out who he was.