Day: 155 Location: Shadow-Tal base Title: Trust Esimed walked past the room again. In the week he had been at the Shadow-Tal's main base, he had to have walked past the room hundreds of times. The day after he got to the base, he was walking past this very room and he got a glimpse in the room as the door was closing. This was Beth's room. He wanted to talk to Beth, to try and explain himself. He had seen her once in the room, but he could not get the nerve to talk to her even though she smiled at him. It was a forced smile. She hated him, and what does he do? He walks past her room at least 10 times a day hoping to get in and talk to her. Esimed felt like he was going to go crazy. He needed to train or do something to get his mind off of Beth, but he was not allowed a weapon. The Shadow-Tal didn't trust him enough. He was not even allowed to leave the base. As Esimed was turning the corner past Beth's door, he saw Ashdon with some of the younger Shadow-Tal members, the one's not trained enough for battles. Ashdon was keeping an eye on Esimed. Ashdon didn't like Esimed but didn't know if it was because Esimed was a former Spyre agent or because he broke Beth's heart. Ashdon had been ordered to train some of the younger clansmen, but all he had showed them was stealth and blending into shadows. This was because he could teach these techniques in the base and he could watch Esimed. But Ashdon knew he would have to take his students in the field for further training tomorrow. Ashdon was starting to get angry with Esimed. He just wished Esimed would stop walking past Beth's door. Just then a clansman ran up the hall and both Ashdon and Esimed turned around. He was yelling for Ashdon. The man informed Ashdon that there was Shadow-Tal members trapped in the middle of the Swamps of Soun and that Ashdon needed to take a group of men to save them. Ashdon turned to go get Eltek, the member of the clan that knew the most about the swamps but remembered that Eltek was out on another mission. Esimed grabbed Ashdon and spun him around. Esimed told Ashdon that he had lived there for a while and could get them through the Swamps. Esimed said that there were many dangers in the Swamp and he had explored over 3/4's of it. Ashdon frowned but grabbed him and pulled him along He stopped only to grab his men and to equip Esimed. Esimed was going to make these men trust him whether they liked it or not.