Hammering of the Blacksmith 1945 Day 152 Between Regan and Ralla Velgut strode quickly towards Ralla. He stopped dead in his tracks when he could of swore he heard footsteps and panting. He did! Placing a hand on a dagger, he ducked behind a tree. He recognized Nashgoln. The other man, hooded, he didn’t recognize. Normally, he would have remained hidden, but considering the circumstances of the last few days, he stepped out. If he felt anything resembling trust towards anyone, it was Nashgoln. Nashgoln saw him and skidded to a stop. "Velgut!" Nashgoln stammered. "You almost gave me a heart attack!" "Running that fast might have done you in just as fast," Velgut stated. "Ralla...is gone." Nashgoln was still panting. "Rampage marched in demanding food and shelter for the night. Their advance party came in, saying we’d be okay, we were a loyal village...but someone got scared and threw a spear at one of the horses. A mob went nuts, killed all ten men in the party. Then they went to the statue of Hyru, demolished it. They were about to settle down when the rest of the Corps came in. Rampage saw what had happened and wiped everything out." "How did you get away?" Velgut inquired. "I was sitting on a hill, writing a new piece with my young friend here," Nashgoln nodded at the still cloaked second man. "I saw it all. When I saw Rampage come in full, we fled. We decided on this way, after you. Plus Rampage wasn’t likely to come this direction. Are any of them out here?" "My very being here is a testament to that. Only some Foragers in Regan." The second man’s head perked up at the sound of Foragers. Velgut immediately recognizes the face of Hogran!-but said nothing about his identity. Why would Nashgoln be traveling with such a dangerous creature. "Nashgoln, you don’t know that Ralla was destroyed. You only saw the riot from the hilltop," Hogran said. "It was Rampage, Amicus. They’re all dead!" Nashgoln stammered. Amicus? Hogran was going by Amicus? "Velgut, did you get the orb?" Hogran’s eyes lit up like the lightning of the gods. "No. Liam’s finger was gone. A Forager had taken it, but a Spyre agent got it and went towards Vent." "Foragers?" A string of expletives exited Nashgoln’s mouth. "Filthy things, I can’t believe you and that creep Hogran ever followed them. Young fools you were." "Yes, young fools indeed," agreed Velgut, staring intently at, ‘Amicus’, Hogran. "Liam? Liam is dead?" stammered Hogran. "We appreciate your sympathies Amicus, but we already knew, and you never met her," Nashgoln said politely. Velgut’s decision was reached instantly. Quoting one of Hogran’s own lines "I scavenge the scavenger, I betray the betrayer. This isn’t Amicus, Nashgoln. It’s Hogran!" Nashgoln squinted in confusion for a moment at Velgut then turned, convinced it was Hogran. "Traveling blacksmith indeed! Too trusting was I, even made you a runner in my resistance." He drew his dagger. Velgut raised his, both approaching the cowering Hogran. "South! South! We should head south! Those Foragers will kill me! And that orb! It’s deadly to those who don’t know how to use it. That’s why I gave it to Liam, she knew how to control it. I don’t want to go near it! I can’t believe she actually gave me a night in her arms for it!" Nashgoln immediately swung his dagger to slash Hogran’s throat, but Velgut kicked the older man in the back sending him down the hill. Hogran turned to run, but Velgut leapt and tackled him, pounding a rock on his head, knocking him out. Nashgoln stood up, "You should have let me kill him!" "He deserves death, I agree, but a slow painful one at the hands of those who don’t appreciate what little are he had." said Velgut, slinging Hogran over his shoulder. "Besides, we need to know more about that orb if we’re going after it. He can tell us." "Going after it? Are you nuts?" Nashgoln was incredulous. "We’ve got few choices on directions. Regan is gone. Ralla and Rampage is not an option. The coast goes nowhere so our best bet is Vent. If we run into a Spyre, I’m sure Hogran is a wanted man. If we run into the Foragers, they’ll be happy to take him. Go where you will, I’ve been traveling for too long to stay here!" Velgut turned and marched stoically towards Vent. Nashgoln cursed for a moment, then followed.