Dreams of days long past Day 155 Location: Wilderness Southwest of New Rolin City It had been a fast couple days of travel for Geist, he was moving as fast as possible. Passing so close to the Spyre base was not a good idea for a member of the Swords Edge, and even though Geist has left that clan forever his sword and the tattoo on his left shoulder would be more than enough to seal his fate. The box of contraband he was carrying would do little to help matters either. He managed to pass though without incident. Now it was near dusk and Geist was resting, he would enter New Rolin City tomorrow to deliver his package and plan his next move. An easy option was to ask this 'Minx' person he was supposed to meet to help him find another job, but he wasn't sure he wanted to, he'd been having strange dreams. In his dream he was a student in a room full of others like him. He was in some kind of fighting dojo, and somehow he knew it was the main practice hall at the old Sword's Edge headquarters. The man who was teaching the students was holding the sword that now belonged to Geist and demonstrating a technique with it. He could the swish of the blade in the air as the teacher whipped it over his head and struck a practice dummy with it. It was a simple move, but with devastating results, the dummy exploded, sending a thousand charred peices flying through the air. Geist barley caught the flash of the blade just before it struck, the briefest of instances where the blade is filled with the powerful chi energy of a true warrior. The inabikari sword, a powerful technique few master. After destroying the dummy the master began to speak, Geist assumed it was about the technique he had just demonstrated but he couldn't hear what the teacher was saying. He leand in closer but it was no use, he just couldn't hear. The teacher then looked sharply at him and spoke, but Geist couldn't hear once again. As Geist opened his mouth to reply....he awoke. He'd had the same dream twice since leaving Hakido city and it bothered him. He knew it ment somthing important but wondered what. Geist had learned the inabikari first in his class just like all the other techniques that were taught to him. He had always been adept with the katana, somtimes gaining the jealosy of his peers. He hadn't cared though, he'd always belived that his superiority would gain a high rank in the Swords Edge, and that he would command soldiers in the coming war with Hyru. But that had been before he'd left, before he'd learned the truth about his clan. Now he wasn't sure what to belive or who to fight against. When he finally looked up from the fire he sighed. The sun had gone down and the moons were high in the sky, he'd spent too long thinking. He put out the flames and went to sleep, his dreams taking him to a familiar looking room...