Swamps of Soun Title: Bonding Day: 156 Esimed quickened his pace. He wanted to get to the fort as fast as possible. He didn't want to linger any longer then he needed to. They would reach his old village withan an hour, probably less then half an hour at the pace Ashdon wanted them to take. All of the Shadow-Tal, as well as Esimed, knew the truth. They would not make it to the battle in time unless they moved all night. They would have to stop and continue in the morning. Ashdon didn't want to stop, but going through the swamp at night was suicide. More men would die then would make it to the fort alive. Plus if they pushed on all night they would be too weak and tired to fight as well as they needed to. Esimed didn't want to stay in his old village but it was the only place on the way to the swamps that offered any protection. It was the only logical choice. But Esimed thought to himself, "Whoever called me logical?" When the group reached the village, or what was left of it which wasn't more then a few cleared out areas and some stone walls, it was hard to tell that a village even existed in this spot. As Ashdon called to make camp, Esimed walked away from the group and the village. Ashdon ran to catch him, but saw what Esimed was heading for. A little ways away from the village was a large stone wall that almost looked whole. Ashdon realized that it was part of Esimed's old home and that he had built it to last. Ashdon walked close up to the wall and could see that it was close to falling down. Esimed walked out from behind the wall holding something wrapped in cloth. Ashdon could see that the cloth used to be beautiful but time had faded it. Esimed looked up at Ashdon and unwrapped the item. It was a finely crafted sword and even time had done little to damage it. Esimed spoke, "This is the sword I used when I was in Spyre. There was a blacksmith near our base that was known throughout Monic for his craft. I knew I had to have one of his swords because they were the best. The blacksmith refused to give me a sword because he made swords special for his customers that cost many talics. He didn't believe I could pay for the sword. His wife walked in so I grabbed her, slit her throat with my dagger, and told the blacksmith that if he didn't make my sword, his children would be next. When I returned a few weeks later he had the sword ready for me. As I went to get it from him, he pulled out a dagger and tried to kill me. I was faster and stabbed him in the heart. When I picked up the sword from near his body, I saw that he had inscribed in the blade the word 'monster.' As I looked at the rest of his wears, I saw that the other swords had names in them also. I knew that he was calling me a monster. As I turned to leave, his children came into his shop and saw the body of their father. I killed them both and left never giving them a second thought." Esimed looked at Ashdon and knew what he was thinking. Ashdon grabbed Esimed's shoulder and said, "I may not like you, but you are tring to make up for your past and this is just another example of why you are helping us against Hyru. He is the monster now, not you." With that Ashdon looked at the cloth and said with a smile, "What kind of monster has cloth like that?" Esimed looked at Ashdon and said, "It was Seda's. She put up my sword after the battle here. I was wounded for a time and couldn't use it. That was the sword I used in the final battle here. It was more like a massacre." Ashdon looked at Esimed and saw the pain in his eyes. Ashdon said, "Seda was the first to touch your heart, and made you think of others besides yourself. I believe only a strong woman could do that to you. Maybe my sister can finish the job, but if you break her heart, It'll be the last heart you'll ever touch." Esimed looked up and saw what he now knew was Ashdon's smile. Together they headed back to the camp.