"Monster" Day 157, Swamps of Soun Jermel spoke softly to the group of Spyre troops. The reinforcements had arrived at a good time. Even though some Spyre agents had been lost, the Shadow-Tal had taken heavier casualties. "One more assault on the fort should be enough to kill the rest of them," he said. Torrent was among the Spyre agents in the group. He had just arrived with the rest of his team, and was ready to carry out the orders given to him. Jermel turned toward the ten Versatile Corps members, "Your job will be to launch the assault on the front of the base. Try to get in and kill the Shadow-Tal if possible, but be careful. Remember that your team is the distraction." He turned toward Torrent and the other five Stealth Corps members, "Your job will be to get around the back of the fort and get in that way. When you get in, kill all of the Shadow-Tal inside. I want none of them to survive. Glory to Hyru." "Glory to Hyru," they all said in unison, and dispersed. The Versatile Corps members took position behind some tall grass near the front of the fort. They kneeled there silently until Jermel yelled, signaling for them to attack. They drew their swords and ran forward. The Shadow-Tal at the top of the base started throwing rocks, for lack of any better weapons, at the Spyre agents. A few of the Versatile Corps members made their way through to the door and were trying to break it down, but most of them simply kept their distance. As they were doing this, the Stealth Corps had been sneaking through the overgrown brush of the swamp around to the back of the fort. They finally reached the area on the back where part of the wall had been destroyed, and they would be able to climb in. Ulvan climbed in first, then Chak nodded to Torrent, who climbed through next. After him, Chak and the remaining Stealth Corps members climbed in. As soon as the Shadow-Tal noticed the Spyre agents who had snuck in, they grabbed what weapons they had and charged toward them, but the Stealth Corps agents were ready. They sliced through the Shadow-Tal quickly killing all of them, with the Spyre agents receiving only a few wounds. Chak seemed pleased with the work. He looked around and said, "Ulvan, Torrent, the two of you stay here and keep a watch out. The rest of us will check the fort for any more survivors." They all nodded, and Chak and the others left to search the rest of the fort. Ulvan and Torrent stood watch as ordered, neither of them saying anything to the other. They didn't need to say anything. They both knew what their job was and why they were doing it, to serve Hyru. For both of them, that was reason enough to be here, to be a part of this killing. Anything else they could say wouldn't matter. The party of men Esimed was leading through the swamp came within view of the fort. Esimed stopped and stared at its walls. This brought back a lot of painful memories for him, even more than his old village. Ashdon put his hand on Esimed's shoulder and said, "Come on, remember what we're here for. This may be your chance to finally redeem yourself." The party continued on, but as they got closer, Ashdon noticed the uniforms of the men standing on top of the fort, "We're too late. Spyre's already taken the base. Our men are no doubt dead by now. Everyone retreat." With long faces, the men followed Ashdon's order and retreated, all except for Esimed. Esimed had his hand on his sword, and rage on his face. He looked like he wanted to fight. Ashdon yelled, "Esimed, retreat before they see us!" As Torrent was surveying the area, he noticed two figures standing not far from the fort. One was standing there, while the other motioned for him to turn around and leave. "Ulvan," Torrent said. Ulvan turned around and saw them, too. "It looks like more Shadow-Tal," Ulvan said. Torrent nodded in agreement and the two quickly climbed down the wall. The figure who was standing there appeared to finally agree to retreat and turned around. Ulvin said, "Quick, they're getting away," and the two Stealth Corps agents started running after Ashdon and Esimed. When Ashdon and Esimed hit some particularly thick brush, Torrent and Ulvin caught up with them. Ulvin tackled Esimed, and Torrent tackled Ashdon. Esimed struggled against the agent. Ulvin had him pinned to the ground, so it was all Esimed could do just to block his sword strikes. Ulvin held up his sword to swipe at Esimed, but Esimed rolled out of the way, causing Ulvin's sword to rip the back of his shirt. Esimed thrust his sword out quickly, stabbing Ulvin through the chest. Ashdon was fighting just as hard against Torrent, blocking a few of his sword strikes. Torrent managed to knock the sword out of Ashdon's hand, then punch him in the face. Torrent was about to stab Ashdon, when he saw Esimed stand up. Esimed's back was turned to Torrent, and Torrent saw the symbol tattooed on Esimed's back. Just as quickly as he got up, Esimed spun around, sword at the ready. Torrent picked up Ashdon and held his sword to Ashdon's neck. "That symbol on your back, what is it?" Torrent said. Esimed breathed hard, "I'm not part of Spyre anymore." Torrent said, "You could never be a part of Spyre, low life. Now tell me what that symbol is or I kill him." Esimed realized that this Spyre agent really didn't know what the symbol was, "It's the old Spyre symbol. It was tattooed to my back when I was part of the clan, before Hyru took it over." "Liar!" Torrent yelled, "The Spyre symbol's never looked like that, and Hyru has always been the leader of Spyre, of the whole world." "Is that what they told you?" Esimed said, "That's not the truth." "You don't know anything about the truth," Torrent slit Ashdon's throat. Ashdon fell to his knees, he stared hard at Esimed and managed to breathe out, "Esimed .. take care .. of Beth." before he fell over dead. Esimed yelled, "Ashdon!" Torrent held his sword ready to fight, but just as he was about to attack Esimed, the orb in his pocket glowed and another vision came to him. He saw Hyru falling to the ground exactly the way Ashdon just had. Torrent thought to himself, "Hyru! Hyru, no!" The vision faded quickly, and Torrent held up his sword again as soon as he regained his composure. However, Esimed was gone. Torrent looked around, but all he saw were the dead bodies of Ashdon and Ulvin. Then, he noticed a sword sticking out of the ground where Esimed had been standing. It looked as if Esimed had purposely left it there. Torrent walked over and picked it up. It looked like an old sword, but still in usable condition. Then he noticed the inscription on the side. It was a single word, 'monster'.