Black Heart Day 156 New Rolin City Geist walked into the Moonrise Inn on schedule and glanced about. It was one of the nicer Inns, one that was frequented by merchants, drug dealers, and others who could afford Hyru's taxes and still make a decent profit. Most of the patrons glanced at him oddly as he came in, a few even muttering things about letting just anyone in here under their breath. Geist paid them no mind and walked up to the bar, asking the barkeep for some water. The barkeep snorted and served him his water. Geist looked around at the fellow patrons a moment, trying to decide which one was the woman he was looking for. The bartender came around again and asked "You was going to have anything else with his 'beverage' there pal?" and Geist replied, "That depends, I'm looking for a woman named Minx." "Right here sweetheart." came a voice from behind him. Minx had to be the most unusual woman Geist had ever met. After introducing herself she had insisted they go up to her room to talk business and Geist had complied. She made small talk the entire way, talking about the weather, the crop this year, the taxes, anything that came to mind. Geist made simple replies, but Minx didn't seem to notice him much and was apparently talking to hear herself talk. Once inside his room Geist took a good look at her. She was tall for a woman with long black hair that fell down her shoulders. She wore a low cut black dress with tall black boots on her lets. Her lips, fingernails were both painted dark purple, and she wore a pendant of the same color purple close around her neck. The room they were in had a bed, a small table and two comfortable looking chairs, she motioned to one and had him take a seat. "I trust that you've brought the item?" she asked. "I have it on me right now." She smiled, "Excellent, let me see it." Geist produced the box and handed it to her. She took it and broke a seal on the side, opening it and peering in a brief moment before snapping it shut. She looked up at him and glared coldly. "This is a joke right? Where is the real box?" Geist blinked in confusion. "I haven't the foggiest what your talking about." Minx snarled and stood up, "Liar!" he screamed at him shaking the box before her. "I've been loyal dammit! I didn't do anything to deserve this!" she threw the box down at Geists feet causing him to jump back, his hand automatically going to his sword. The box popped open and a small black wooden object rolled out. Minx continued to scream at him, the hint of tears forming at her eyes. "I did nothing to deserve the black heart!" Geist stepped back from her as she screamed, glancing around as he was sure it would attract some unwanted attention or another. "I'm sorry I was just paid to deliver this box to you, I know nothing about it." Minx glared at him, reaching behind her and pulling a small, previously unseen dagger from behind her back. "LIAR!" she screamed as loud as she could, "You were sent to kill me!" she said as the reared back and threw the dagger at him....