New Rolin City, Day 147 Torrent looked around the woods. There was no one there, no one who might find him. He made his way forward silently, taking position behind a row of bushes, his black uniform hiding him in the darkness of the forest at night. From there he had a clear view of his subject, a known member of the Shadow Tal resistance. Ironically, though, in this case Torrent was the shadow, following the man West through Xerixes from Shokoca Town to New Rolin City. So far Spyre had no evidence of a resistance cell in New Rolin City, but this person was obviously here to meet someone, either a sympathizer to the resistance or the local resistance leader. Torrent liked it when this resistance member chose such a predictable meeting place, a dark wooded area on the edge of the town. Having so many places to hide made his job easier. He often wondered if any of them realized he’d have a harder time spying on them if they met in the center of town, where there were more lights and fewer places to hide. Of course they didn’t, they didn’t have the benefit of Hyru’s wisdom like Spyre did. Another man came walking quietly from the town. Torrent recognized him as the owner of one of the local taverns. The two men started talking. They kept their voices low, but Torrent was able to hear them well enough to learn that the Shadow Tal were bringing some of it’s members to the town in a few days and wanted the tavern owner to hide them. Spyre would be waiting for them when they did. Satisfied that he had found out enough, he held his position until the two men left, each going in different directions. He then looked out over his escape route, a path that would take him along the edge of the town then out into the forest toward the Spyre base. After seeing that it was safe, he moved quickly. When he was almost away from the town, he heard the sound of an young woman’s voice, "I . . I don’t have the money to pay you this week. I was barely able to buy food for my kids. Please let me pay you next week. I’ll pay you double, I promise. I’ll have the money by then." The woman was standing in front of a small, shabby house. In front of her was someone in the familiar dark green uniform of the Spyre Predatory Corp. The Spyre agent was obviously there to collect taxes, which the woman didn’t want to pay. The Spyre agent said, "All right, but next week you’ll pay triple, not double. And don’t be late on your taxes again." The woman lowered her head, "Y. .Yes. I promise." Torrent narrowed his eyes and pulled his dagger. He crept slowly toward the house, checking to make sure there was nobody else around but the woman and the fellow Spyre agent. Just as the Predatory Corp agent was walking away, Torrent leapt out and stabbed the woman with his dagger. She barely had time to let out a whimper before she fell to the ground dead. The Predatory Corp member turned quickly and looked at Torrent and said, "Who . . what? You didn’t have to kill her." Torrent shook his head, "Hyru’s law states that all citizens must pay a weekly tax. She broke that law and had to be executed." The Predatory Corp member looked as though he didn’t know what to say, "But . . I was going to get more out of her next week. And now that she’s dead Hyru can’t get any money from her at all." Torrent just stared at him, "You’re talking like a Talictician. I’ve been schooled in Hyru’s laws and the reasons for implementing them just as you have. If we allow even one rule to be broken without punishment, then we can’t protect this continent from falling into anarchy." The green suited Spyre agent said, "The laws don’t need to be enforced to exactly to keep order," and started to walk away. Torrent immediately rushed forward and stabbed the Predatory Corp agent through the back. If he was unwilling to enforce Hyru’s laws he was just as guilty as someone who had broken them. Torrent pulled his knife out of the body and cleaned the blood from it before tucking it back into his uniform. He then reached down and picked up the body of the dead Spyre agent. If the townspeople were to find it, it would make Spyre appear vulnerable. He carried the body with him as he started back toward Spyre’s base.