"Givers of Law" Spyre Base, Day 148 Torrent kept running. It was almost morning. He was still carrying Ulrin, the Spyre agent he had killed late the night before. As he reached the Spyre base, he was recognized by the guards and they let him inside, though they did look curious as to why he was carrying a dead body. As soon as he was inside the base, Torrent dropped the body so that it may be taken care of by someone else, and he proceeded to the chamber of Ocule, Torrent’s direct superior in the Stealth Corps. Ocule was sitting at a table, and looked up as soon as he saw Torrent enter, "Torrent, how did your mission go?" Torrent walked up to the table and stood while he gave his report, "I trailed the resistance member Franklin Marsh from Shokoca town. In Shokoca town he only made contact with known resistance members. We’ve yet to identify the leader of that town’s resistance. Mr. Marsh then left Shokoca town on his way to New Rolin City. On the way he met up with a gel dealer and bought two vials of gel, though he didn’t use it right away. He proceeded to New Rolin City where he met with a man named Chal Fallot, the owner of a tavern in New Rolin City. Mr. Marsh made a deal with Mr. Fallot. He arranged for Fallot’s bar to be used to hide several resistance members who will be traveling that way in exactly three days. By his urgency I surmise that these are important members, who the resistance doesn’t want to be discovered." Ocule said, "Do you think one of them may be the leader of Shokoca town’s resistance cell?" Torrent nodded, "Quite possibly. I recommend that we wait until the resistance members are hiding in Fallot’s bar, then capture them." Ocule shook his head, "I agree. It will been seen to." Torrent looked down, "Sir, there is something else." Ocule just watched, waiting for him to continue. Torrent said, "While I was in New Rolin City. I saw an agent, Ulrin, show leniency on a citizen who was refusing to pay the tax. I killed the offending citizen as well as Ulrin himself." Ocule stood up, "I see. Where is his body?" "It’s here at the base," Torrent replied. "You know that it is against Hyru’s law to harm any agent of Spyre," Ocule said. Torrent looked sharply at Ocule, "Yes, but it is also law that anything said by Hyru must be taken as unwritten law. He said in a speech two years ago that any agent not upholding his law should be punished just as someone breaking that law should be. I have also been taught in my training that sometimes an agent must be above the law in order to uphold it. After all, we are Hyru’s chosen people." Ocule sat back down, "You are right, Torrent. And I’m impressed with your knowledge." "I have studied Hyru’s law since the early days of my training. His law keeps order. Without that order this world wouldn’t be the great place that it is for everyone," Torrent stated. "You have studied his law well. However, I will have to discuss your actions with the rest of the council. Until then, I want you to go to Regan. The Rampage Corps have been sent to destroy it. They should have completed it by now. Go and confirm that they have completely eradicated the town and prepare to report on their effectiveness and efficiency." Torrent was disappointed. This ‘assignment’ was only being given to him to keep him busy while the council evaluated his actions. "Sir, I should be on the team to...." Ocule stood once again, "You have your orders. If it makes you feel better you can go to Ralla, it’s a town near Regan. Gauge the response from the locals there, help put down any dissension. Report back to me when you’re finished." Torrent put his emotions aside and left room. He walked quickly out of the Spyre base, on his way to Regan.