Another Lesson Day 148 Geist once again returned to the strange storage room and the mysterious robed man was there as before. Geist was puzzled by what was happening. "Master, why have you told me all of this?" "You are to take a test, one that may prove to be the most important one you've ever taken." "Test?" "Yes young one, a test." The robed figure motioned to the sword in the center of the room, "I want you to draw this sword from its scabbard for me Geist." "Yes master," Geist said as he made his way to the sword. Then, as he drew it out of its scabbard, he finally took the time to examine it closely. It was incased in a white scabbard; that had many engraved characters, symbols, and mythical beasts. The handle was pearl white and felt good in his hand as his fingers wrapped around it. As he pulled the sword out he notices a small symbol engraved on the blade. It looked similar to the symbol of his clan, except different. "What does this symbol mean Master?" "It was once the symbol of our clan, now it is your symbol." "I don't understand." "The sword was once the sword of Zanthus Locahn, the last leader who upheld the teachings of Master Tetsou. Some even say it was the sword of Master Tetsou himself." "Then why?... Why me?" "You are now the last true member of the Sword's Edge clan. You will leave the base tonight and never return. I would suggest finding some allies, you'll need them when the others find out what I have done." "What?!" "When it is discovered that the sword is missing there will be a witch hunt for it. If I'm lucky I will survive it. You will not unless you run tonight and never look back. You are the last true Sword's Edge member, you will uphold justice, true justice, in this time of evil." "This is it isn't it? The test? Your testing my loyalty, I'm going to report you!" "No your not, your going to run. You know what I'm saying is true, you know our clan has lost its way." Geist stared at him and frowns, starting to raise the sword for a strike. "You won't do that either." Geist snarls angrily and raising the sword he brings it down, but he stops short of the figure, unable to finish the blow, "Damn you." "Too late, hurry now, time grows short." "How, how did you know all this about me?" "If you weren't the one, you wouldn't be holding the sword." Those were the last words anyone ever spoke to Geist within the confines of the Swords edge base.