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Blood of Gods

The clan in the past

Before the Acabodera Wars many people felt the tension mounting over the power of the relics. Some people wished to leave to find a more peaceful place and some just wanted to explore the rest of their world. However it happened, many people ended up in a group that sailed away from the main continent of Anihc to get away from it all. They eventually landed on the island of Tanaka. The people found peace on the island and lived there for a long time. Over time they separated into several small tribes that lived on different parts of the island. The people never left the island because they had no reason to: nobody bothered them, the three rivers running from the top of the mountains on the island provided them with fresh water and very fertile soil for planting, the waters around the island had much sea life to catch, and the many minerals in the ground was reason enough for anybody to never leave. The different tribes developed different specialization’s. The tribes closest to the ocean caught fish, the tribes near the rivers planted crops, the tribes near the mountains mined minerals and developed metallurgy, and other tribes had other specialized labor. The different tribes traded with each other for the things they needed and all went well for a time. After several years some of the tribes began to show a distaste for the trading and for the work they had to do. This belief and the power some tribes held began war among the tribes. After a time the most powerful tribe won and united the people under one dictatorship like rule. They controlled all the different peoples with a strict system of rule, fear, and other means of keeping order. Eventually the one empire called themselves "The Blood of Gods". This empire and all its people having lived the way they did on the island for so long had developed differently from the people of the main continent of Anihc. They had different religious practices and had become very alienated from the outside world. The solitude they had come to know for so many years had made many Xenophobic and the leaders in charge didn't want any outsiders to disrupt their system of rule. They adopted the religious practice of eating anybody who landed on their island as a form of sacrifice to their gods and as a brutal method to try and keep others away from the island. To this day nothing has changed.

Your are a fool indeed to face the horrible wrath of the Blood of Gods clan. This cannibalistic clan only lives with each other and have no goals, only to survive. Woe to anyone to land upon their shores for they shall be eaten immediately. They feel no remorse and have no known fighting style. They have a dictatorship like rule and have little or no intelligent conversation. You would definitely know one if you saw him. They have their symbol tattooed in blood all over their bodies.

The Clan in the Year 1945

The clan remains the same as they always were except now they serve Hyru like he was a god. They see him as their one and only true god and have a shrine devoted to him with a great stone statue of Hyru in it. They constantly give him offerings and human sacrifices. Hyru generally sees them as lowly servants that are expendable but he accepts their offerings. In return for their worship he leaves them be and sometimes uses his power to give them small miracles. They have been this way since his visit in 1810 and are still this way in 1945.

  • Leader- Frank
  • Location- Island of Tanaka
  • Symbol-
  • Moto- "Hyru is God."
  • Established- 1220 A.A. (after Acabodera)