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Den of Souls

The clan in the past

During and after the Acabodera wars many people were outcasts or hermits for different reasons: some weren't accepted by any of the clans, others were seen as weak, some were shunned because of their beliefs, and others just had no place to go. Many of these people got together and formed a clan. This clan hated all others and wished to rule the world so that they would never be treated bad again and some just wanted power. The clan also did not accept the teachings of others and started to worship a god called "Angestal". The god "Angestal" had come from the Overseer himself, as told by the Den of Souls. After the Overseer destroyed the "Man" he tried to figure out why his creation had been a failure. The Overseer came to the conclusion that it was because of the evil within himself. The Overseer cast off the evil and made it into another being. The Overseer had planned to kill the being of evil but couldn't because it was apart of him and to kill it would mean to kill a part of himself. The Overseer decided to just banish the evil being into a realm separate from his own. He called this place "Ange" after the being's given name "Angestal". The Den of Souls clan believes in "Angestal" and worships him over the Overseer. Because of their religious practices and evil intentions many of the clans hunted down the Den of Souls and thought they had killed all of them. Some of the members had survived and decided to lay low until their time would come again. After years of waiting the descendants took up their old clan beliefs and reformed the clan calling themselves "The Den of Souls". This clan suddenly gained power from their arcane rituals and was unable to be wiped out like they had been before. The practice of "evoking their ancestors" is a very powerful weapon to the Den of Souls. They can call upon the spirit of their ancestors and gain the power them. Other powers they have are the use of a crystal ball to see far away occurrences. Others come from their worship of "Angestal".

You have been chosen to become apart of the evil and ruthless clan of the Den of Souls led by the unforgiving master Somul Pisan. He will stop at nothing to get what he wants and is obsessed with power and obtaining the scroll to the secret death art "Sangora" from the Sword's Edge clan. Somul believes he is destined to rule the world with an iron fist and wants to make everybody his slaves. All his followers obey his every command and none will oppose him. The clan members must have the symbol of their clan burned into their chest and give an offering to Somul upon entrance into the clan to show their undying devotion to Somul and the take over of the world!!!!!

The Clan in the Year 1945

The Den of Souls seeing everybody do battle and lose against Hyru decided to not oppose him. Instead they thought of the survival of the clan and went into hiding for many years until reamerging in the year 1852 A.A. By this time Hyru had been the unopposed dictator ruling over all Monic for a while. The Den of Souls, only wanting to practice their beliefs in peace, signed a pact with Hyru that he would leave them alone as long as they never opposed him, didn't help others that opposed him, report any threat to his rule, never interfere with him or his clan, and to not ever ask him for anything. And to the year 1945 they both have kept the pact.

  • Leader- Singel Pent
  • Location- Eastern Mankoyt
  • Symbol-
  • Moto- "Survival is just good timing."
  • Established- 1510 A.A. (after Acabodera)