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Back in 1800 before Hyru took control their was a member of the Kin Shi Tal named Enrico Rico. He wasn't that great of a member or even very well known. But every member of the Drug Cartel knows his name very well. Enrico Rico did have one thing that nobody else had, a substance he called Gel Stuff. Enrico used this gel stuff in his hair to make it the coolest in Monic and the best. What Enrico didn't know is that it was also a powerful Narcotic. Inducing hallucinations if used in large quantities but generally giving the user a great feeling of satisfaction, cheerfulness, and happiness. But it many times makes the user edgy, easily frightened, have a one-track mind, and makes the body sweat profusily after use. When the effects wear off the user goes way down into a deep depression that will eventually wear off, but many people just use more gel to get back their high. The gel is fatal if ingested. The two ways most people use the gel is to rub it on top of the head and allow it to absorb through into the brain. This generally takes longer to get high but the high is pretty strong and lasts a long time. The other way is to mix the gel with a little water, put it in a metal bowl over a fire, and use a wooden or metal pipe to breath in the fumes through the nose. This is a much quicker way to get high and the all the effects of the drug are at their strongest, but the high doesn't last as long. The current Cartel leader, Louie Maximus, who found the formula for the gel in 1902A.A., sees Enrico as the founder of the Cartel and pays him great tribute for his discovery. The gel can only be manufactured with certain ingredients and only at certain climates, so all the drug making facilities are currently located in Southern Kali. The drugs are only sold by approved dealers for the Cartel and aren't usually stopped by Hyru but are hassled by other clans and people that hate the Cartel for selling the drug. The drugs are usally sold in small glass tubes for about 500 talics a tube that allows for two highs or one high if burned. The longest a high can get is about 20 hours. The shortest a high can be is one hour. An average high is 5 hours. If a person overdoses on Rico Gel (which doesn't take much), they can die within a few minutes from massive damage to the brain that ends up burning large holes in the brain. To save a person that just OD'd you must quickly wash off any gel on their body and then give them a certain mixture of herbs. Unfortunutely all forms of treatment, including this one, very rarely work at all. Long term effects of using the drug are: loss of Motor Control, memory lapses, loss of coordination, and the five senses losing effectiveness.

  • Drug Cartel Boss- Louie Maximus
  • Location- Everywhere!!!!
  • Cartel Moto- "Stupid Monicians + Rico Gel= Big bucks for us."
  • Cartel Symbol-
  • Established- 1925A.A.