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The Sword's Edge

The clan in the past

The Sword's Edge clan was founded by an ancestor of the great teacher of its leader Zanthus Locahn. It is a clan of great morals and good intentions. The clan keeps the peace whenever possible with whatever means necessary. In the year 1550 A.A. (after Acabodera)the clan found the scroll in the prophecy containing the teachings of "Sangora" the death art. The Sword's Edge then devoted their lives to protect it from others and never allowed themselves to learn the forbidden art. For years Somul Pisan of the Den of Souls clan has been trying to steal it from them but has been unsuccessful. When you join the clan you get a special katana blade with the Sword's Edge symbol on it that proves you have given the oath of the clan and have passed the initiation. Most of the members however are born into the clan without knowledge of who their parents are so that they will think of the clan as their family.

The Sword's Edge clan was originally founded by a Master Tetsou in 1500 A.A. (after Acabodera). Tetsou had lost many of his ancestors in the Acabodera Wars and he saw many bad things still happening in his day. Tetsou realized that people had not learned from their mistakes and were bound to repeat them. Tetsou wanted to help protect the world and help people out and to one day maybe stop another war from happening. Tetsou then decided to make a clan not for just power or for war but, for peace. Tetsou knew that even though he wanted peace it could not be accomplished by talk or other means, he needed to fight and to protect that which he loved. Tetsou devised a clan of honor and of great fighting ability that followed the code of the Sword. In years later the clan still holds the same values and beliefs that master Tetsou originally had. After a time the clan found the legendary scroll of Sangora and decided that it needed to be protected from evil as well. And they vowed that it should never be learned by anybody. In Tetsou's time he didn't have parents and many other people he knew didn't either. When he formed the clan and many people joined up the bond formed between them was so great that it became a great tradition handed down to people apart of the clan that their parents never be known as to strengthen the bond between the clansmen and to have them think of them as family.

The Sword's Edge main fighting techniques and abilities come from the teachings and use of the sword or katana. It is the first weapon taught to anybody beginning in the clan aside from a few others. Some of the more advanced techniques involve endowing the sword with special powers. The first is the honoo katana or flame sword. This involves channeling your negative and angry emotions into your sword setting it ablaze. The technique if controlled correctly should never burn the wielder of the blade even if touched but will burn the intended target. The second is called the koori katana or icy sword. Instead of angry and bad emotions you channel your sad and apathetic emotions into the sword freezing the blade for a few moments. In those moments anything that touches the sword will be temporarily frozen allowing the wielder of the sword to attack the target without fear of retaliation. The third technique is called the inabikari katana or lightning sword. You summon up just your powerful chi energy in your body and endow your blade with your energy and when the blade strikes its target it will cause an explosion on impact and like the honoo katana if controlled properly it should cause no damage to the wielder of the sword. Another technique sometimes used by the Sword's Edge is the ability to throw your sword and have it return to you no matter what your position changes to. It does involve a little mind control which shouldn't be a problem for a seasoned Sword's Edge warrior. Their are a few techniques more passed down by the leaders only but never taught because of how dangerous they are. They are intended only as last resort and it is the leaders choice who to teach them to.

Even though it has been forbidden by the clan to even look at the scroll of Sangora much less learn it the leaders have passed down a secret technique that master Tetsou first learned from the Scroll of Sangora. It is only for last resort and should never be taught unless the current leader feels it is necessary. The technique is called shi nigiri kobushi. Its translation is unknown but the effect of the technique says it all. The target after having been subjected to the technique suddenly cannot breath and dies from an apparent lack of air. Once administered their is no way to reverse the effects and no defense. Zanthus has been secretly learning more about the arts of Sangora for he fears he will need it in the future to stop the onset of another war.

The Clan in the Year 1945

During the time of Hyru's rushing grasp for power over the world, the Sword's Edge changed. Feeling the need to protect the world and do their part, the clan tried numerous times to stop Hyru but were defeated each time and ended up losing many clan members. And then with the loss of their great leader Zanthus Locahn, the clan started to lose its way. The newly appointed leader felt they weren't doing enough and could never win with the "soft" and "gentle" tactics they were using. He said that worrying about morals, ethics, and beliefs was making the clan weak and it would soon be dead because of it. The new leader then began the clan's eventual change from a protective, good intentioned clan, to a evil rule the world to protect it from itself clan. And in the year 1945 this is how they are seen, as an evil do anything to take over the world clan.

  • Leader- Zinza Frin
  • Location- Southwestern Songhi
  • Symbol-
  • Moto- "Wars makes one great. Especially if you win."
  • Established- 1500 A.A. (after Acabodera)