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Great Sentients

The Great Sentients clan came about as a result of several things happening in the world. After a time many of the people had learned how to read and write. People decided to record the many events happening and to collect the knowledge of world. Churches and clans began to keep a large collection of this information so that it would not be lost or forgotten. Not long after the upkeep, collection, recording, and restoration of this knowledge began to go downhill. The need for people to do this kind of work became of great importance. The Great Sentients clan was the answer to this problem. The clan established many places that were built for the single purpose of keeping knowledge. The clan became in charge of keeping, collecting, recording, and restoration of knowledge.

The Great Sentients is a clan of humble and meek people wanting to accumulate knowledge and keep peace with their brothers. These monk like fighters practice the arts only for defense never for attack. Their one wish is to live in harmony with everything in the world and to accumulate the knowledge of all the universe. Although they practice peace and humility they are in no way defenseless. Their fighting skill is known to many and to face one in combat is call upon a formidable opponent indeed.

The Clan in the Year 1945

After a few years when Hyru had power over Monic, Hyru saw the Great Sentients as a threat to his power. Having at one time possessed the Stone of Goth, Hyru knew that knowledge was power. So he sent out his Spyre "Rampage" Corps. to find all the members, bases, and knowledge storage places and wipe them all out. Hyru did keep some of the information the Great Sentients had but destroyed everything else along with all the members. To this year of 1945 the clan remains extinct.

  • Leader- Master Shin (Dead)
  • Location- Nowhere
  • Symbol-
  • Moto- "Knowledge is the tool of peace and understanding of the human soul."
  • Established- 1140 A.A. (after Acaboder)
  • Destroyed- 1822 A.A.