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If you wish to see the information for the Kin Shi Tal before joining the KST/ Shadow resistance group, click here:

If you wish to see the information for the Shadow before joining the KST/ Shadow resistance group, click here:

During the year 1800 when the Kinshou army was on the march, they determined that the clans that posed the biggest threat to them taking the continent of Anihc was The Shadow and The Kin Shi Tal. So the Kinshou army targeted them to fight first. The Shadow were the first to face their onslaught and were almost wiped out except for about 100 members and their leader Panther. The Shadow escaped to their base and planned a new strategy. While this was happening the Kinshou army continued on to destroy the Kin Shi Tal. The Kin Shi Tal faced a similar situation and were almost destroyed but the Shadow, finding out what was happening aided the Kin Shi Tal and saved the remaining members of the Kin Shi Tal from death. Although the Shadow did help the Kin Shi Tal, the Kin Shi Tal had lost many more members and had also lost their leader. So Panther proposed a temporary treaty of alliance between their clans to help destroy Hyru. Both clans worked together for several years and after a time they eventually became one complete clan instead of two different clans working together. The new clan is still led by Panther but all the members have attributes, skills, and powers from both the Kin Shi Tal and the Shadow. This new "hybrid" clan became officially combined in the year 1830 when the members saw it was going to take more then a temporary alliance to stop Hyru. They needed a powerful resistance group and so that is what the clan has come to be in the year 1945. A resistance group that is largly unknown by many, hidden from Hyru, and fighting to one day put an end to his rule. Hyru is aware of them but has been unable to terminate them to this day.

  • Leader- Panther
  • Location- Hidden Somewhere on the Islands of Kinshou
  • Established- 1830A.A.
  • Clan Symbol-
  • Clan Moto- "Power cannot withstand the will of many."