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The clan in the past

You have embarked upon a very dangerous journey indeed into the unknown clan of Spyre. Very little is known about this clan for they work and live in secret. They could be anyone and you wouldn't know it. They are without fear and without feelings. They are brought up in the clan to have no feelings so as not to interfere with their mission or to impede their fighting technique. They kill onsite and are generally unpleasant. The only way to tell them is their symbol tattooed on their back. It is almost almost impossible to fight one for they change their style of fighting constantly. They have never been captured alive because of the poison pill they keep in the roof of their mouths. One was captured and the poison pill removed, but before he was able to be questioned he had bitten off his fingers and swallowed them causing him to choke and die. They have the ability to read the short term memory of anybody they come into contact with and only their leader can read long term memory. They believe themselves to be better then everybody else, the next evolution and want to wipe the world of all others for the dawning of a new era of all Monic. Part of Spyre's belief in that they are the next evolution is the fact that in this world things like the light bulb have not even been invented yet. Spyre has invented it and a few other things.... Spyre does not tolerate anyone to "leave" the clan. If you want to leave Spyre the only way out is DEATH!

The clan Spyre was originally formed by the leader Spyre's ancestor also named Spyre. Spyre's grandfather secretly organized it during the Acabodera Wars and took many clans out in their fight for the relics. Later after the end of the wars Spyre continually searched for the relics. Spyre is a most evil clan in their thinking that they are the next evolution because of the fact of their great technological discoveries and other great techniques developed. Spyre's grandfather decided that the secrets of the clan were too precious to get out so everybody was ordered to not speak to anybody of them and to never get captured and if so then you must kill yourself, so they developed a poison pill in the roof of their mouth. If it fails you must find other means to die. Spyre is most cruel to people who try to quit their clan. Once you join Spyre you never leave it except by death. Spyre base is hidden on the Planet Monic somewhere using a device created over many years that refracts light and "cloaks" the base so nobody except the members know where it is. Nobody really knows much about the clan because of the way they keep hidden and keep their identities of who a member is secret. Fighting a member is not easy either because of the different styles that they use in battle. Spyre wishes one day to become the ultimate beings and even be like "the man". Spyre believes that the relics and the Sangora scroll hold the keys to becoming the Ultimate evolution and they strive for this always. The clansman have little or no feelings at all. Spyre believes that feelings have no place and only logic or reasoning is the true power. First you must understand your emotions and then you can control and eventually repress them. Not all members are as good as this as others. To date the leader Spyre has not shown one bit of emotion.

Spyre's fighting techniques rely on control of your emotions. The believe that to achieve a good move is that it is controlled, powerful, and not provoked or commanded by emotion. Everything has a reason. The clansmen must learn several different fighting techniques at an excellerated rate. After 30 years a member should have a good grasp on five different fighting styles. The clansmen do this so that they can continually change their fighting styles while fighting to confuse their enemies and keep them guessing. It also helps to hide their identities to people that can pick out and remember fighting styles. Some advanced techniques that Spyre has is to use mind techniques they have developed. The first is the ability to read the memory of a person. Only after several years can an experienced member read the long term memory of a person instead of just the short term memory. Other mind techniques include reading your opponents mind while he thinks so you know what he is going to do next. This requires great concentration and great control of emotion. The third techniques is the ability to move things with your mind. You visualize the object first moving in your mind and then concentrate your chi energy and mind power on the object moving it to wherever you want. The fourth technique is the ability to throw your emotions onto another person. Although Spyre have repressed emotions a clansmen can call upon them and in their repressed powerful state you can transfer them to your enemy thereby giving you more control and causing them to fight with those emotions and to behave erratically and make mistakes. Spyre's final mind power taught is the ability to wipe someone's memory. This is only mastered by a few clansmen and only the leader has been able to wipe repressed memories and long term memory. This requires that the person be unconscious so you can concentrate on looking through their mind and finding the memory and erasing it.

The Clan in the Year 1945

During the year 1800 when Hyru was trying to take over Monic, he had been using the "Stone of Goth" to help him institute most of his plan to become ruler. Many of the things in his plan required him to use and manipulate the clan Spyre. Almost from the beginning when Hyru had the "Stone of Goth" he had been controling the leader and the clan. When the time came for certain things to happen, he made many of them happen through Spyre, including the death of Sorrow, trial of Demise, Jadax running away and getting killed by his brother, and Nick Swindle starting the Kinshou War. After Hyru had achieved what he wanted and knew his power was certain he needed a clan of his own to help keep power. So it only made sense that Spyre would be that clan. So Hyru in the year 1805 killed the current leader Spyre and convinced the members it was best because he would lead them to world domination and besides, he embodied Spyre's idea of survival of the fittest and perfection. So logically and through his actions Hyru became the new leader of Spyre and instituted several changes to the clan. Mostly he kept it the same with the laws, rules, and beliefs but he changed the organization. Hyru seperated the clan into several different groups or as he called them: "Corps" Each "Corp" was named different to help specify what special function they had. All the members of each "Corp" were put into their certain section because they exceled in that "Corp's" function. To seperate them Hyru required that they be trained differently, wear a particular uniform, and concentrate on particular weapons and Spyre powers. A list of each "Corp" name, their funtion, and their uniform is as follows:
"Corp" Funtion Uniform
Espionage Corp This Corp is mainly used by Hyru to infultrate places without being detected and obtain information of all kinds. Grey Uniform
Stealth Corp This Corp is not easy to find or see. They always work hidden or in concealment. Hyru uses them to spy on anybody he wants. They specialize in sneak attacks and ambushes. Their nickname is "the watchers". Black Uniform
Predatory Corp This Corp steals things for Hyru. They are master thieves and are skilled in stealing anything from anywhere. Hyru also uses them as his tax collectors. Dark Green Uniform
Versatile Corp This Corp is a multi-purpose group that specializes in everything else that the other Corps don't. Hyru gives them different missions and uses them for variable situations. All members are average in all skills. Dark Blue Uniform
Rampage Corp This Corp is the most feared of them all. Hyru only uses them when he wants something gone for good. This clan is extremely powerful and merciless. They have the highest fighting skill out of anyone in Monic. After Hyru gives an order of where they are to go, the group simply blazes a trail through the area, destroying and killing anything and everything in their path no matter what it is. Blood Red Uniform

  • Leader- Hyru
  • Location- In the center of Ange's canal
  • Weapons of Preferance- Any and all.
  • Symbol-
  • Moto- "Your pain is my pleasure."
  • Established- ????