English For Business 商 用 英 语
awarded by University of New South Wales
Students are given a solid foundation in both the spoken and written aspects of English. Lead by a professional team of lecturers certified by the Ministry of Education of Singapore, students will engage in individual as well as group participation. Lectures are supported with audio & visual materials, a well-stocked library and a language laboratory.
Through its association and certified programmes with renowned universities such as he University of New South Wales, Australia, and the University of Leicester, UK, the students are equipped with course syllabuses that are both of the highest quality and are widely recognised. Course materials, examinations and certificates are issued directly from the University of New South Wales.
The programme aims to develop participants' abilities to write and speak effectively in a business environment. Participants are taught the basics of producing business letters, memoranda, reports, summaries, and a wider vocabulary appropriate foe various business situations.
English For Business Communications Level 1: more geared to students with little or no work experience and those just starting to study Business Communication.
English For Business Communications Level 2:advanced level is geared more to matured students with work experience or those who have completed level one.
Level 1
Level 2
There is an examination at each level in each programme. Normally, it will be conducted at the end of 12 weeks of each level.
Upon successful completion of each level, students will be awarded a certificate from UNSW. The School will also award the Certificate of Achievement.
费 用
申 请 人 必 须 呈 交 的 材 料:
申 请 人 的 出 生 证 明 公 证 书、 最 高 学 历 证 明 公 证 书, 成 绩 单 证 明 公 证 书、 银 行 存 款 证 明 公 证 书、 父 母 结 婚 公 证 书 及 本 人 结 婚( 若 有) 证 明 公 证 书。 上 述 公 证 书 一 定 要 由 申 请 人 所 在 地 公 证 处 公 证 (中 英 文)并 由 中 国 外 交 部 领 事 司 认 证。 银 行 存 款 证 明 可 以 是 申 请 人 本 人 或 父 母 亲 的 银 行 存 款。 最 低 存 款 额 为 十 五 万 元。
申 请 及 入 学 程 序:
欢 迎 修 读 General Proficiency in English 基 础 英 语
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