新 加 坡 教 育 体 系 简 介
新 加 坡 的 教 育 制 度 是 在 原 英 国 教 育 体 系 的 基 础 上 逐 步 发 展 与完 善 的,因 此 它 与 英 国 等 西 方国 家 教 育 体 制 相 通。另 一 方 面,由 于 新 加 坡 是 一 个 以 华 人 为 大 多 数 的 国 家,所 以 它 的 教 育 又 具 有 浓 厚 的 东 方 教 育 色 彩。 新 加 坡 的 教 育 同 时 吸 收 了 东 西 方 文 化 的 精 华。 因 此 它 的 教 育 非 常 成 功,自 成 一 体。
新 加 坡 的 中 小 学 实 行 双 语 教 育,即 从 小 学 到 中 学,每 个 华 人 学 生 须 学 习 两 种 语 文 - 英 语 和 华 语。 一 些 课 程 如 数 学 采 用 英 语 教 材,而 另 一 些 课 程 如 道 德 课 则 用 华 语 教 材,使 学 生 从 小 就 很 好 地 掌 握 了 两 种 语 言。学 生 中 学 毕 业 后 仅 凭 毕 业 考 试 成 绩 就 可 以 直 接 申 请 英 国、澳 洲 、美 国 、纽 西 兰、加 拿 大 等 国 家 的 大 学 而 不 需 要 任 何 入 学 考 试。新 加 坡 成 功 的 教 学 体 系 及 安 全 的 居 住 环 境 也 吸 引 了 世 界 上 无 数 的 华 人 前 来 就 读。新 加 坡 也 欢 迎 中 国 年 龄 在 17 岁 以 下 的 中 小 学 生 来 新 加 坡 就 读 政 府 的 中 小 学,但 需 要 通 过 入 学 考 试 和 申 请 学 生 证。 因 此 一 般 来 新 加 坡 求 学 的 中 国 孩 子 都 先 在 补 习 学 校 或 私 立 学 校 学 习 半 年 到 一 年,之 后 参 加 每 年 10 月 底 到 11 月 初 的 入 学 考 试 。年 龄 在 17 岁 以 下 的 孩 子 在 此 求 学 时,其 母 亲 可 以 陪 读。 政 府 小 学 的 收 费 约 每 月 80 新 元,而 政 府 中 学 的 收 费 约 每 月 130 新 元,但 第 一 次 入 学 时 必 须 向 政 府 捐 赠 教 育 基 金 5000 新 元。
新 加 坡 也 有 许 多 私 立 学 校 及 政 府 资 助 的 商 业 学 院,这 些 学 校 或 学 院 也 设 有 一 些 很 受 欢 迎 的 课 程,如 语 言、工 商 管 理、市 场 营 销、公 共 关 系、酒 店 旅 游 业、美 容 及 电 脑 等。这 些 课 程 很 多 与 英 美 等 国 的 著 名 学 府 联 办,当 完 成 了 该 校 在 新 加 坡 的 课 程 和 通 过 了 这 些 国 家 对 其 专 业 的 考 试 即 可 获 得 文 凭。之 后,可 以 到 英 美 等 国 的 母 校 继 续 求 学。
新 加 坡 政 府 对 私 立 学 校 的 收 费 并 没 有 统 一 的 规 定,因 此 各 个 学 校 的 收 费 不 完 全 一 样。语 言 学 校 的 收 费 通 常 在 每 月 300 到 800 新 元,而 工 商 管 理 类 则 收 费 稍 微 高 一 点。通 常 一 年 左 右 即 可 拿 到 英 制 国 家 都 承 认 的 大 专 文 凭。学 生 毕 业 后,大 多 都 在 新 加 坡 能 找 到 满 意 的 工 作,也 有 一 些 到 其 它 国 家 如 英 美 等 继 续 求 学 或 工 作。
由 于 新 加 坡 政 府 正 在 大 力 推 广 华 语,加 上 近 年 来 许 多 新 加 坡 厂 商 到 中 国 投 资 办 厂,很 多 新 加 坡 人 都 强 调 孩 子 的 华 语 学 习,因 此 他 们 特 别 欢 迎 来 自 中 国 的 留 学 生 做 家 庭 补 习 老 师。每 小 时 薪 水 约 15 新 元。因 此 很 多 学 生 可 以 自 己 养 活 自 己。
新 加 坡 食 宿 十 分 方 便,且 价 格 大 众 化。通 常 每 月 的 伙 食 费 在 250 新 元 左 右,二 人 一 间 的 房 租 每 月 约 200 新 元,但 如 果 住 在 全 托 的 寄 宿 学 校(包 括 吃、 住、 洗 及 上 下 学 交 通 费)则 每 月 约 1000 新 元。
海特主页 | 留学进修 | 工作就业 | 公商考察 | 旅游签证 | 移民加拿大 |
新加坡小学教育: An Information Guide for Parents
Singapore's education system aims to provide all students with a balanced and well-rounded education, develop them to their fullest potential, and nurture them into good citizens, conscious of their responsibilities to family, society and country.
Its primary school system is a flexible one which allows every child to develop himself fully. There is provision of at least ten years of general education, six years in primary school and four years in secondary school. After secondary schooling, your child can go on to a junior college if he is academically inclined. If he is good at skills, he can join a technical or commercial institute first and then go on to a polytechnic, or go directly to a polytechnic. Opportunity is provided for your child to study and go as far as he is able to, according to his learning pace and area of interest.
What are the stages in primary education ?
Primary education consists of a four-year foundation stage from Primary 1 to 4 and a two-year orientation stage from Primary 5 to 6. The overall aim of primary education is to give your child a good grasp of English, the mother tongue and mathematics.
What is the foundation stage ?
The foundation stage is the first stage of formal schooling. The four years, from Primary 1 to 4, will give your child a firm foundation in English, the mother tongue (Chinese, Malay or Tamil) and mathematics. Your child will also have civics & moral education, science, social studies, art & crafts, music, health education and physical education lessons which will continue right through primary school.
What happens at the orientation stage ?
At the two-year orientation stage, Primary 5 and 6, there will be available three main language streams for your child - the EM1, EM2 and EM3 streams. An ME3 stream will also be available if there is demand for it. The curriculum in each stream will gear him towards secondary education in the course most suited for him. He will take the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) at the end of Primary 6.
How is my child streamed ?
At the end of Primary 3, the school will advise you on your child's progress in his studies. This will provide you with an idea of his strengths and inclinations. He will then go on to Primary 4. At the end of Primary 4, your child will be assessed on his performance in English, the mother tongue and mathematics. Based on this assessment, the school will recommend to you the stream which your child should attend in Primary 5.
Is streaming really necessary?
The purpose of streaming is to place your child in a language stream for which he is most suited so that he completes primary education successfully. The school will be keeping a record of your child's abilities and inclinations and will be in a good position to advise you on the language stream he should continue his primary education in.
Do I, as a parent, have a say as to which language stream my child goes to?
Your child's teachers and principal will advise you on the stream that matches your child's ability. You will, however, have the final say as to which language stream you wish your child to be in when he enters Primary 5.
What are the differences between these language streams?
At the end of Primary 4, if your child does very well in English, the mother tongue and mathematics, he will be recommended for the EM1 stream in which he will learn English and the mother tongue at a higher level (i.e. Higher Chinese, Higher Malay or Higher Tamil, formerly known as CL1, ML1 and TL1).
The majority of pupils will be recommended for the EM2 stream which teaches English and the mother tongue (Chinese, Malay or Tamil, formerly known as CL2, ML2 and TL2). The principals will decide on the pupils who will need additional lessons in English in the EM2 (E) sub-stream or the mother tongue in the EM2 (MT) sub-stream.
If your child is less able to cope with languages and mathematics, he will be recommended for the EM3 stream, offering Foundation English and the mother tongue at basic proficiency level. The teaching of the mother tongue will emphasize oral/aural skills, reading and listening comprehension as well as conversation.
Parents of children recommended for the EM3 stream in Primary 5 will also be able to opt for the ME3 stream for their children. Schools will provide ME3 classes if there is sufficient demand for them. Pupils in the ME3 stream will study the mother tongue (at Higher Chinese, Higher Malay or Higher Tamil level) and Basic English. The teaching of English in this stream will emphasize oral/aural skills, reading and listening comprehension as well as conversation. The language of instruction for all school subjects in the ME3 stream will be the mother tongue.
Can my child switch streams halfway ?
At Primary 5, in the orientation stage, teachers will have further opportunities to know your child's ability, interest and aptitude. Transfers between streams are possible at the end of Primary 5. These will be decided by the principal on the basis of your child's progress.
Will my child be transferred out of his school as a result of the Primary 4 streaming ?
It is intended that all pupils will remain in the same school till they complete primary education. However, some reorganization may be necessary if there are insufficient pupils to form classes in a stream in certain schools.
Can my child repeat a year if he does badly?
Retention will not generally be practiced in Primary 1 to 4 but in exceptional cases, such as those which lead your child to miss school for a good part of the year, he may be retained in a particular class. A pupil in Primary 5 may be allowed to repeat Primary 5 in the following year if the principal thinks he will benefit from this retention. In particular, a pupil in Primary 5 in the EM3 stream may be retained in Primary 5 in the EM2 stream if the principal feels that it will help the pupil to join the EM2 stream.
What subjects will my child study at school?
Primary 1 to 4:In the first four years, your child will focus his attention on the two languages and mathematics. The learning of English in the early years will include the study of general topics such as health education and social studies. The study of the mother tongue will include civics and moral education. On the average, over the 4 years, 33% of the curriculum time will be spent on English, 27% on the mother tongue, 20% on mathematics and the remaining 20% on the other subjects such as art & crafts, music and physical education. Science will be taught from Primary 3 onwards and social studies from Primary 4 onwards.
Primary 5 to 6:Your child will continue to learn English and the mother tongue at Primary 5 and 6. However, depending on the language stream he is in, he will learn the two languages at the appropriate level. The other subjects will be mathematics, civics & moral education, science, social studies, art & crafts, music, health education and physical education. Together, these will give him a broad-based education and prepare him for secondary school.
What is the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) going to be like ?
The Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) is a national examination which your child will sit for at the end of Primary 6, no matter which stream he is in. Its purpose is to assess your child's suitability for secondary education and place him in the right secondary school course, one that matches his learning pace, ability and inclinations.
What subjects will my child be tested on at the PSLE ?
If your child is in the EM1 or EM2 stream, he will sit for four subjects at PSLE, namely English, the mother tongue (Chinese, Malay or Tamil), mathematics and science. If he is in the EM1 stream, he may also sit for an additional paper in the mother tongue (at Higher Chinese, Higher Malay or Higher Tamil level).
If your child is in the EM3 stream, he will sit for three subjects at PSLE, namely Foundation English, the mother tongue at basic proficiency level and Foundation mathematics. Pupils in the ME3 stream will also sit for three subjects at PSLE, namely the mother tongue (at Higher Chinese, Higher Malay or Higher Tamil level), Basic English and mathematics which will be examined in the mother tongue.
Do all pupils go on to secondary school ?
All pupils who take the PSLE and complete primary education successfully will go on to secondary school. Depending on their PSLE results, they will go to the Special course, Express course or Normal course at the secondary level. The Special and Express courses lead to the GCE "O" level examination in 4 years whereas the Normal course leads to the GCE "N" level examination in 4 years with a 5th year leading to the GCE "O" level examination. There are two course options within the Normal course, i.e. the Normal (Technical) and the Normal (Academic) course. The Normal (Technical) course will gear pupils towards technical-vocational education and training in technical or commercial institutes. There will also be appropriate courses at secondary level for pupils from the ME3 stream if there is sufficient demand.
海特主页 | 留学进修 | 工作就业 | 公商考察 | 旅游签证 | 移民加拿大 |
新加坡中学教育: An Information Guide for Parents
How are pupils placed in the different courses in secondary schools?
Pupils are placed in secondary school courses according to how they perform at the PSLE. Pupils who are within the top 10% in the PSLE can choose to go to the Special course. Other pupils are placed in either the Express course or the Normal course based on their PSLE results.
How then should pupils select their secondary schools?
Pupils and their parents are advised to choose schools that best meet their learning needs and schools near their home in order to save travelling time. Pupils should try to match their choices of secondary schools with their academic abilities. Generally, each school will offer two courses, Special and Express, or Express and Normal, the latter to include both the Normal (Academic) N(A) and Normal (Technical) N(T) course. For more assistance in their selection of secondary schools, pupils and their parents are advised to seek guidance from their teachers and to read the information guide which will be available when they have to make their choices.
What is the Special course?
The Special course is a four-year course leading to the Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education (GCE) 'O' level examination. In this course, pupils study English and Higher Chinese, Higher Malay or Higher Tamil, in addition to the usual humanities, mathematics and science subjects. At Secondary 1 and Secondary 2 pupils are taught a common curriculum. At Secondary 3 and Secondary 4, pupils offer a core curriculum which includes the two languages and a choice of elective subjects. This course is suitable only for pupils who are strong in both English and the mother tongue and have done well in their PSLE to be within the top 10%.
What is the Express course?
The Express course is also a four-year course leading to the GCE 'O' level examination. In this course, pupils study English and Chinese, Malay or Tamil and offer a curriculum similar to that in the Special course.
What is the Normal course?
The Normal course offers a four-year program leading to the GCE 'N' level examination. A fifth year is available to pupils who do well in this examination to prepare for and take the GCE 'O' level examination. Pupils in this course follow either the N(A) or N(T) curriculum. In the N(A) curriculum, they will learn English, the mother tongue, mathematics and a range of subjects similar to those in the Special and Express course. In the N(T) course, pupils will learn English, the mother tongue at the basic level which emphasizes oral/aural competence and reading comprehension, mathematics, computer applications and subjects with a technical and practical bias such as technical studies.
Can pupils switch courses halfway?
Pupils can move from one course to another at the lower secondary levels. Schools will keep records of pupils' performance and progress to allow fair and accurate decisions to be made regarding the movement of pupils across courses and levels.
Transfer from a less demanding to a more demanding course and vice versa may take place at the end of Secondary 1 and Secondary 2 based on the performance of pupils and the professional assessment of the principal and teachers.
Transfer from the N(A) to the N(T) course and vice versa may, however, take place at the end of Secondary 1 based on the performance of pupils and the professional assessment of the principal and teachers.
Can pupils repeat a year if they do badly?
There is provision for pupils who have under-achieved to be retained or laterally transferred to a less demanding course. When deciding on pupil movements, school principals and teachers will exercise their professional judgement in the best interests of their pupils.
What subjects are pupils taught in the Special and Express courses?
Pupils in the Special and Express course in Secondary 1 and Secondary 2 will be taught a common curriculum in English, the appropriate mother tongue, mathematics, general science, literature, history, geography, art & crafts, design & technology or home economics which are examination subjects. In addition, they will learn civics and moral education, music and physical education as non-examination subjects. Pupils in the top 10% of the PSLE cohort who are good in languages and are also very good in their other subjects may be offered a third language: German, French, Japanese or Malay Elective, subject to the availability of places.
In Secondary 3 and Secondary 4, pupils will have, as core subjects, English, the appropriate mother tongue, mathematics, a science subject, a humanities subject and up to four elective subjects that best match their abilities and interests. Those who are talented in art and music may offer these subjects under the Art and Music Elective Programs if they meet the selection requirements. Civics and moral education, music and physical education continue to be taught as non-examination subjects.
Pupils in the Special course offer Higher Chinese/Higher Malay/Higher Tamil and those in the Express course offer Chinese/Malay/Tamil
How many subjects do pupils in the Special and Express courses offer at the GCE 'O' level examination?
In general, pupils will offer seven or eight subjects at the GCE 'O' level examination. Those of exceptional academic ability may offer a ninth subject. For able pupils the following desirable subject combination provides a balanced curriculum:
What subjects are pupils taught in the Normal (Academic) course?
Pupils in Secondary 1 and Secondary 2 in the N(A) course will be taught a common curriculum comprising English, the mother tongue, mathematics, general science, literature, history, geography, art & crafts, design & technology or home economics as examination subjects. In addition they learn civics & moral education, music and physical education as non-examination subjects.
In Secondary 3 and Secondary 4 as well as in Secondary 5, pupils will offer English, the mother tongue and mathematics as core subjects and between two to four electives. These electives could be chosen from a range of subjects in the humanities and sciences and other practical subjects such as food & nutrition, fashion & fabrics, design & technology, principles of accounts and commerce. Civics & moral education, music and physical education continue to be taught as non-examination subjects.
What subjects are pupils taught in the Normal (Technical) course?
Pupils in Secondary 1 and Secondary 2 in the N(T) course will be taught a common curriculum comprising English, the mother tongue at the basic level, mathematics, computer applications, science, technical studies and home economics. They will learn social studies, art & crafts, civics & moral education and physical education as non-examination subjects.
At Secondary 3 and Secondary 4, they will offer English, the mother tongue at the basic level, mathematics and computer applications as core subjects and up to three electives. These electives are: technical studies (or design and technology), science, food & nutrition, fashion & fabrics, art & crafts and elements of office administration. Civics & moral education, music and physical education continue to be taught as non-examination subjects.
How many subjects do pupils in the Normal course take in the GCE 'N' level examination?
In general, pupils in both the N(A) and N(T) course will offer five to seven subjects in the GCE 'N' level examination.
Will pupils in the Normal course have the opportunity to offer the GCE 'O' level Examination?
Pupils who do well in the GCE 'N' level examination will have the option of doing a fifth year in school and be prepared for the GCE 'O' level examination.
Do all schools offer the Special, Express and Normal courses?
Generally, schools will have two courses, Special and Express, or Express and Normal. Schools which admit Normal course pupils will have both N(A) and N(T) classes.
How are extra-curricular activities organized in secondary school?
For a balanced education, pupils are required to participate in extra-curricular activities. In general, pupils participate in one sports & games activity and another activity chosen from the list of uniformed organizations or cultural activities such as music, dance, art & crafts and drama.
What happens after Secondary 4 or Secondary 5?
Pupils will be provided with alternative routes to further education.
Those who are academically inclined and have the necessary GCE 'O' level qualifications may apply for pre-university education at the junior colleges, centralized institutes and pre-university centers. This course of studies leads to the GCE 'A' level examination. Admission to the universities will depend on performance at this examination.
Pupils with technical and commercial inclinations and the necessary GCE 'O' level grades can apply to the polytechnics. Polytechnic graduates with good grades in their studies will have the opportunity to pursue tertiary education at the universities.
Pupils with GCE 'O' or 'N' level certificates can join technical-vocational courses offered by the Institute of Technical Education. Those who do well in these courses will be able to proceed to the polytechnics for diploma programs. There will also be opportunities for some of them to go on to the universities after that.
海特主页 | 留学进修 | 工作就业 | 公商考察 | 旅游签证 | 移民加拿大 |
新 加 坡 私 立 学 校 Private Schools in Singapore
The state is the principal provider of education at primary, secondary and levels. In the case of non-formal education, the private plays the complementary role running continuing/supplementary education classes in commercial/business studies, languages, fine arts, etc; pre-school education; and special education for children with disabilities.
Current regulations require private schools conducting continuing/supplementary education courses such as those stated above to be registered with the Ministry of Education. Such schools are mainly by private organizations as business ventures. A few of them are operated by 'not-for-profit' religious, social or community organizations.
Admission into private schools
All private schools conduct their own admission/enrolment exercises. All admission/enrolment inquiries should be directed to the school(s) concerned.
Age-limit for enrolment in private schools
Individual private schools have their own regulations on age limit for enrolment into courses of study.
Certificates issued by private schools
Private schools issue certificates for attendance and/or completion of courses. In some instances, schools also issue certificates to students who have been successful at internal examinations/performance assessments conducted by the individual school concerned. The results obtained at internal examinations such as those taken upon completion of a course are normally viewed as students抪preliminary performance prior to his attempting external examinations, e.g. Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education (GCE), London Chamber of Commerce & Industry (LCCI), National Computing Center (NCC), City & Guilds (C&G), etc.
Singapore does not have a central authority that accords recognition to qualifications and courses of study. The Ministry of Education is not an accreditation authority on qualifications. Recognition and/or acceptance of certification is entirely at the discretion of the individual prospective employer. When considering suitability for appointment to a post/job vacancy, employers take into consideration a whole host of factors, including the character and conduct of the applicant; his academic track records; reputation and academic standing of the educational institutions where the applicant studied, relevance of the applicant抯 qualifications, experience, etc, in relation to the position/job applied for, etc.
Foreigners intending to study in Singapore
A foreigner intending to study in a Singapore private school will have to seek a place in the school concerned and apply for a student pass at the Singapore Immigration Department.
Teaching in a private school
A person intending to teach in a private school has to obtain approval of the Ministry of Education to do so. Applications on prescribed forms are to be made through the private school concerned.
Private school teacher aspirants/applicants should possess educational qualifications beyond the levels the school has proposed for them to teach. Their qualifications and knowledge should be related to the subject areas to be taught. The applicants must be able to provide documentary evidence of their educational qualifications, work experience, etc, to support their applications which are to be forwarded to the Ministry of Education through the respective private school.
Foreign system/international schools in Singapore
In the main, foreign system schools cater to the educational needs of children of expatriates working here. These schools, e.g. German School, Hollandse School, Japanese School, Lycee Francaise, etc, follow closely the national curriculum of their home country. In addition to these, there are also foreign system/international schools which enroll not only children of expatriates working here but also other foreign students. Examples are the schools which function on the American, Australian, British, or Canadian system of education using English as the medium of instruction. The levels of education available vary from school to school and certain schools offer pre-school/kindergarten through high school education. Special education is also available at certain foreign system schools, such as Dover Court Preparatory School.
There are also supplementary schools set up and operated by the Finnish, Italian, Norwegian and Swedish communities. These are schools usually run on weekends and which offer courses covering language and culture of the respective community. Generally, students of supplementary schools study 'full-time' in international schools.
Courses offered by overseas educational institutions
Local organizations engaged in activities such as representing overseas educational institutions offering their programs of study here have to obtain the Ministry抯 permission to do so on a program by program basis. It is important to note that the program originates from the educational institution concerned which is responsible for its every aspect, including matters relating to curriculum, course structure, admission criteria, academic rigours, program quality, teaching standard and assessments/examinations.
The local parties, whether they are professional bodies or business organizations, provide the overseas educational institutions infrastructure support such as in the provision of requisite physical facilities and other logistics, promotion/publicity connected with student recruitment drives, liaison between the program provider and their students here, etc.
Schools to be registered
The Ministry of Education registers privately-run schools running academic classes leading to GCE examinations, commercial/business studies, computer education, languages, fine arts. It also registers kindergartens, special education schools, tuition schools, correspondence schools, and foreign system/international schools which provide the educational needs of children of the expatriate communities here as well as other foreign students.
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海特主页 | 留学进修 | 工作就业 | 公商考察 | 旅游签证 | 移民加拿大 |