新 加 坡 拉 萨 艺 术 学 院 与 澳 大 利 亚 RMIT 大 学 联 合 呈 献
Bachelor of Design (Graphic Design)
Singapore LASA College of the Arts and the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) University, Australia jointly introduced the Graphic Design course leading to the award of the Bachelor of Design (Graphic Design) conferred by RMIT University. As one of the oldest and most renowned Universities in Australia, RMIT degrees have academic professional recognition from public and private design industries in Singapore.
By joint arrangement, the final yea of the graphic design programme has been made available to LASA diploma holders, and to diplomats who process similar qualifications from established design institutions in Singapore and the Asia-Pacific region. Suitably qualified students can expect to complete their degree studies in one academic year.
The programme will be conducted in Singapore by senior teaching staff of LASA and professors and lecturers from RMIT.
Course Offered
Bachelor of Design: Graphic Design
Duration of course: 1 year (full time)
Academic Year
There is one intake each year. The course usually commences in July and is divided into 2 academic semesters as follows:
Semester 1 Jan - May, 16 teaching weeks
Semester 2 Jul - Nov, 16 teaching weeks
Course Description
Graphic Design is taught as a series of integrated design projects and is not limited by subject boundaries. Subject areas covered in the Design majors are Typographic Design, Layout and Publication Design, Corporate Design, Information Design, Packaging and Design for Advertising. Finished art and production methods are taught as part of the assigned projects.
At the conclusion of the course, students are required to make a final presentation in the form of a graphic design exhibition for graphic design professionals to view their works.
Course Structure
This full time course takes place over 32 weeks within one academic year and is structured as follows
Semester 1: Graphic Design Major 4 (6 weeks); Graphic Design Major 5 (3 weeks); Graphic Design Major 6 (3 weeks); Design Theory 3 (3 weeks).
Semester 2: Design Theory 4 (3 weeks); Graphic Design Major 7 (6 weeks); Graphic Design Major 8 (6 weeks); Final Presentation (3 weeks).
Teaching Strategies
The course will be conducted at Singapore by both LASA's senior teaching staff and professors and lecturers from RMIT University. Teaching strategies will include: Lectures; Studio Practices; Research; Project Tutorials; Group Conferencing; Critique Sessions; Slide Presentations.
Assessment methods vary and may include progressive papers, assays and oral presentations before panels of examiners, comprising design professionals and educators. The presentation of research projects constitute part of the assessment process.
Degree Show
It is a requirement of the course that the students mount a degree show at the end of their final semester work. This most enjoyable and rewarding exercise is a closing of the circle between the designer and the industry. The show serves to celebrate the students' achievements as well as provide an opportunity for design professionals and potential employers to view, appreciate and recruit the graduating student.
Career Opportunities
Graduates conferred the RMIT Bachelor of Design in Graphic Design are deemed qualified designers suitable for design environments ranging from Corporate Design Studio, Advertising Agencies, Design Consultants' Firms and Publishing Houses.
Entry Requirements
Applicants must possess a LASA Diploma in the relevant design course specialisation or recognised equivalent. Preference will be given to those with related experience in the design industry.
Selection Criteria
All applicants will be expected to submit for an interview and folio review, a set of 10 non-returnable good quality slides or fine colour prints of his/her most recent design works. Selection will be based on folio assessment and personal interview. Preference will be given to professional practising designers.
Folio Requirements
Applicants are selected on the basis of an assessment of the submitted folio comprising 10 good quality slides or fine colour prints. The folio is expected to demonstrate depth and maturity in the discipline, originality, and innovation and experimental resolution of projects. Examples of work should comprise recent 2D and 3D works including drawings, sketches, idea sheets, video CD ROMS and mock-ups.
Applicants will be called for a personal interview. During the interview, the applicants are required to present their folio which shall comprise the original design prototypes of the slides or colour prints submitted. Large actual design works that are difficult to transport may be presented in the form of slides or photographs.
All students are required to pay a S$50 deposit for use of library facilities.
申 请 人 必 须 呈 交 的 材 料:
银 行 存 款 证 明 公 证 书、 出 生 证 明 公 证 书、 最 高 学 历 公 证 书、 成 绩 单 公 证 书、 父 母 结 婚 公 证 书。 上 述 公 证 书 一 定 要 由 申 请 人 所 在 地 公 证 处 公 证 (中 英 文)并 由 中 国 外 交 部 领 事 司 认 证。
申 请 及 入 学 程 序:
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