Wicca 101
I’d like to welcome you to this online learning session. I hope to expand your knowledge of Wicca without boring you too much. Forgive me if this seems at all impersonal, but I find form lessons are best to teach with, so that I don’t leave anything out. Remember you can ask me anything and the answers will not be a form answer. I wish I could do this without any forms, but with my memory, that wouldn’t be in your best interest. This way I can have the information set out in a form and then once that’s out of the way, the personal aspects begin.
In this first course, called the dedicant course, after the degree level for new comers to the craft, you will:
Learn the very basic of Craft history- This will cover briefly: Wicca; Druidism; Greek, Roman, Norse, Egytian patheons; The Burning Times; Witchcraft Act repealed and Gerald Garner; Craft Renaissance.
Learn the Wiccan Laws- This will include: Wiccan Rede, Thirteen Goals of a Witch, Witch's Personal Manifesto, Norse Code of Honor, Prinicples of Wiccan belief, etc.
Learn the Definitions of Craft paraphernalia- This includes: Basic Craft tools-Athame, Wand, Chalice, Pentacle, Book of Shadows, Grimoire, Pen of Art, Pentagram, Altar. Higher Craft tools- Boline, Sword, Thurible, Cord/Girdle/Cingulum, Caulrdon, Broom, Staff. Greater Craft tools- Lamps of Art, drum, Shamanistic Rattle, Stang. Divinatory Tools- dowsing rod, Casting stones, Scrying Mirror, Runes, Astrology, Tarot Cards, Pendulum, I Ching.
Discover Goddess and God aspects: Rather than go into each in depth, I will briefly touch on the many aspects of the God and Goddess, and you will then be able to choose 3 personal archetypes of each gender to learn more about. I figure why discuss Sky Goddess for a whole lesson if you are more drawn to the Earth Goddess. I will give you enough about each aspect to work with, but I feel it is better to study the ones you are drawn to in depth.
Learn about Elemental principles- Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Spirit, and what they mean and why we use them.
Get introducted to Magick…What magick is, why magick is used, and the proper ways to use it. There will not be any spells at this time.
You will be able to design you ideal ritual attire and tools, and an altar set up. Basically, If you could have any Athame, what would it look like. Mind you, I'm still looking for my perfect one, but I have a working one I use while I wait. I just want to see what kind of things you are going for.
You will learn the Wheel of the Year- Lunar Calendar, Esbats, Great Sabbats, Solar Calendar, Lesser Sabbats, and Seasonal Celebrations in Modern Society.
You will learn 2 forms of casting a magick circle
Discover a Tradition of wicca that interests you. There are many Tradtions out there, adn I will try to give you a run down on most of them. Hopefully you will find one that interests you. Then you can study that one more closely.
Discover the Styles of magick… high, low, and decide which fits you best. Magick takes different forms, and we will cover these here.
Read 3 to 4 books from the reading list.
Not necessarily in that order. And remember, everything tends to be flavored with my view and sense of humor (or lack thereof). I offer you my knowledge, but no one is perfect. Please don’t take it as Gospel.
These books are suggested for reading at a dedicant level. They will teach you more of the basics and go further in depth on what we are studying.
True Magick- Amber K
Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft- Raymond Buckland
Teen Witch- Silver RavenWolf
To Ride a Silver Broomstick- Silver RavenWolf
Celestine Prophecy- James Redfield
Wicca for the Solitary Practitioner- Scott Cunningham
Wicca Source Book- Gerina Dunwich
In addition to the above books, there are several books available on specific Traditions, and it will be helpful to you to read at least one book on your chosen Trad. Once we have covered the basics of the trads, you can let me know which one interests you, and I will provide you with a list of the books available on it.
If there is anything else you feel you would like to learn at anytime during any of these lessons, let me know. This is my outline, but these are your lessons. I want to make sure you learn what you want to. Any questions, just let me know. If you are unable to get any of these books at all, let me know. And if you have already covered any of these areas, let me know so I can test you out of them, and get you moving on to another area. Yes, this is like a class... but don't worry... I'm not a hard teacher... Take it at your pace, in your own time. I only test you to make sure you know what I taught.
Also, before we go any further, You can always quit these lessons at any time. Just let me know.
With that, I hope to welcome you to the online 101 class.
Blessed Be,
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