Can you please explain to our readers how Funker Vogt was formed?

All right, this is an old story, but once again...At first there was the group Ravenous and after a long period Bj (F6m) and Gerrit of Ravenouse produced some songs which didn't fit in the concept of Ravenous. They were faster and much more aggressive. So Geritt tried a new singer and started to produce some songs of his own. The song which everything started up "Tempel del Wahrheit" is now released under the anem of a new side project called Fusspils 11. There you can find the original song plus a new version.

Is it true that Jens (vocalist) listens to Hardcore and never even heard Industrial musik until he met Gerrit?

Yes, that is true. He preferred the Hardcore and Heavy Guitar music. But he also likes some of the industrial stuff.

How does Gerrit handle 3 projects at once? Does he simply decide which material he will use for each of the bands, or does he write seperately for the 3 individual bands?

At least Gerrit is working on more than just 3 projects. At the moment he is working on a more synth pop oriented project, which will also be released on Zoth and we are also planning to do a side project with female vocals, which will also be more pop music like. But to come back to your question, mostly Gerrit decided before he starts to work what he will do. For example, when he works together with Bj, they work on Ravenous and now also on F11. When he works alone, most of the stuff is for FV. At the moment, Gerrit concentrates his whole life on the music, so he is not working and has no other job.

What exactly were Ravenous's problems with Offbeat?

When you work with Indy labels you will always have problems, that is what we know now! We don't have so many problems with Zoth. That is the reason why we've decided to work exclusively with them at the moment. But with OffBeat we had too many problems. We didn't like how they tried to promote and market our music and things became worse in the beggining of 1997 when the O Files 2 was planned to be released. We sent them our material for the O Files 2 but they ignored our wishes. In the end, they released 2 songs against our wishes (the CD version of "Lemmings" and and old demo version of "Voices"). Actually, we did some very good and danceable mixes of "Voices" and "Timeless" which Offbeat refused to publish for some stupid reason we didn't quite understand. The songs we planned to release will now be on our new CD "No Retreat and No Surrender", published by Zoth in May of '98. And when a label decided against your wishes, the point at which you can no longer work with them is definately reached.

Where did the names "roteX" and "cold dog" come from?

Gerrit wanted to call himself rote, but this name was already in use by someone, so he put an X in front of it. We only used these names because Offbeat didn't want to use our real names, so that nobody could see the connection to FV. Very stupid of them.

What bands would FV like to have remix their musik?

It would be nice to get a FLA remix or one from Apoptygma Berzerk.

What do Geritt and Jens do when they are not making musik?

Jens has to work and he has a family (he is already married, sorry girls...) and Gerrit is nearly always producing musik and he also has his girlfriend.

Has Ravenous and Funker Vogt ever played the same show?

They never did, and most likely never will.

Could you give us a run down of the equipment that FV use in the process of recording?

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What does FV hold in the future for their fans?

A Lot!

interview conducted by Ted Scheriff


