Hello Oren. To start things off, can you provide us with some history on Pain Konsept?

Ahhh Pain Konsept...Not much to tell honestly. Hey, at least Im honest. Just a frustrated 19 year old looking for a way to express his writing and feelings on personal and global issues. Pain Konsept is only me and will always be that way. Everything else is History. Today, one year and a half from the start I am ready to release my debut album, "Development Through Destruction" and continue to write music that pleases me.

The release of your initial demo built up a nice buzz for Pain Konsept. Did this demo help you in getting recognition and what kind of a reception did it receive?

I was never completely happy with my demo. I rushed it out because so many people were pushing me to hear it. People really liked it alot and it did help me find label offers, but it is never being released again because the songs on that tape have all been re-recorded to attain their optimal sound. There are alot of people who tell me they have heard my demo, but I question their integrity since I only made so few copies and gave out even fewer. All in all, there are 3 great songs on it that just needed a bit of better production to kick ass.

To date, you have released on track entitled "Progressive Decay" on PBR's "Exoskeleton" compilation and another track called "Charge, Intercept"(Intercepted by VAC) on Culture Shock's Transmission 5 compilation. Can you tell us a bit about each track?

Progressive Decay is an older track that I gave Scott because I felt it was the strongest of my earlier material. This track re-appears on my full length with an extremely nasty twist....Charge Intercept was one of the first songs I ever wrote and is on my demo tape. I hated the production quality on it, so in CO I decided to re-record it. Bryan and I decided then to remix it and so it became intercepted by VAC.

Now you've just finished recording your debut release with Bryan Erikson of VAC. How did this process go and when can we expect its release?

The process was interesting, to say the least! Anyone who knows Bryan or who has had contact with him knows that he is really something else! I wrote the songs here in NY and then went to Colorodo for production by Mr. Disease. He also added a few nice elements to some tracks. But all that aside, it went very well. The music sounds excellent and I came back with a great finished disc.

Do you plan on playing any live shows in the near future?

Time will tell. Right now I am busy with school and working on new material that I can't even begin to think about it.

How do you feel about the current state of Elektronik musick in the US?

Honestly, I am not much interest in keeping track of who and what goes on in America and Europe, etc. I think it's unfair to say that right now there is some great ressurgence of electronic music in America. There are many American bands that have been around for a long time doing excellent music, but unfortunately, the scene can be so Euro-centric in its nature that so many of these bands are missed by the fans into electronic music. In any case though, there are some great bands in America and I hope people have the intelligence to give them a listen.

What are a few of your personal favourite records?

Right now I am listening to Renegade Hardwares "Quantum Mechanics", J. Majik's "Slowmotion" and Photek's "Modus Operendi".

OK Oren. I'd like to thank you for taking the time to answer these questions and we wish you the best of luck with PK and anything else that you may do. Any words in closing?

Yes, there is actually. I must thank two extremely special and important people to me who have kept me going when i wanted to give up and just were always there to support me from when I started until now. Sage...The Man...The Myth...The legend behind Culture Shock and my girlfriend Elizabeth. She know's I love her more than anything and she is what keeps me going. Oh yeah. To all my other faithfull friends. You know what i mean. REPREZENT!!!!!

interview conducted by DisCorD



Email: discord257@aol.com