Thank you for visiting my electronic home.
My name is Fiona Turnbull and I am a single mom living in the mountains of Colorado.
I'm from Welwyn Garden City in England originally but have lived in many places over the last 44 years. Sherlock Holmes and I share the same birthday although 100 years apart and that makes us two of the finest Capricorns that ever existed.
After suffering big-time burnout in 1996, I chucked my hectic life in Omaha and moved here where I have found much contentment. When I am not selling cards and paper to tourists, I tutor a home-schooled student in history and science. Right now, I am between dogs, but my most recent canine companions were Newfoundlands. Some of my favorite projects right now include making paper, genealogy , charter school start-ups, and perfecting my warped sense of humor
My handle comes from my former life as an Information Consultant and Librarian.
I would run seminars for small businesmen who were afraid of computers and always started off by saying
"I am the Infogoddess and you can begome Infogods too!"
I spend a lot of time in the Yahoo Books & Literature Chat Room. The ever-growing list of chatters is notoriously incomplete. Don't forget to take at a look at our recipes. When I'm not working or chatting I enjoy the great outdoors, act in community theatre, read lots of books, spend time with my son, and watch sunrises. While my musical tastes are as varied as my reading list, I have a particular fondness for Rod Stewart (another fine Capricorn)
I do use ICQ so if you don't have this handy little program feel free to send me a message using the form below.
I will be hosting the Turnbull Clan at the Long's Peak Scottish Festival in September and have an avid interest in all things Scottish.
This is my little world, welcome to it!!
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