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The Church In The Wildwood

Words and music by William S. Pitts
Hebrews 10:25 "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together,as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another;and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."

There's a church in the valley by the wildwood,
No lovelier spot in the dale;
No place is so dear to my childhood,
As the little brown church in the vale.

(oh, come, come, come, come)
Come to the church in the wildwood,
Oh come to the church in the vale,
No spot is so dear to my childhood,
As the little brown church in the vale.

How sweet on a clear Sabbath morning
To list'n to the clear ringing bells;
It's tones are so sweetly calling,
Oh c,ome to the church in the vale.

(oh, come, come, come, come)
Come to the church in the wildwood,
Oh come to the church in the vale,
No spot is so dear to my childhood,
As the little brown church in the vale.

There, close by the church in the valley,
Lies one that I loved so well;
She sleeps, sweetly sleeps, 'neath the willow,
Disturb not her rest in the vale.

(oh, come, come, come, come)
Come to the church in the wildwood,
Oh come to the church in the vale,
No spot is so dear to my childhood,
As the little brown church in the vale.

There, close by the side of that loved one,
'Neath the tree where the wild flowers bloom,
When farewell hymns shall be chanted,
I shall rest by her side in the tomb.

(oh, come, come, come, come)
Come to the church in the wildwood,
Oh come to the church in the vale,
No spot is so dear to my childhood,
As the little brown church in the vale.


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