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Put your hand in the hand of the man
who stilled the waters.
Put your hand in the hand of the man
who calmed the seas.
Take a look at yourself
and you can look at others differently
by putting your hand in the hand of
the man from Galilee.

Mama taught me how to pray
before I reached the age of seven
When I am down on my knees that's
when I feel close to Heaven.
Daddy lived his life
with two kids and a wife
you do what you must do
but he showed me enough of
what it takes to get me through.
By putting my hand in the hand of the man
who stilled the waters
putting my hand in the hand of the man
who calmed the seas
I took a look at myself and I could
look at others differently,
Because I put my hand in the hand
of the man from Galilee.

Every time I look into the holy book
I want to tremble
When I read about the part where
the carpenter cleared the temple.
For the buyers and sellers
were no different fellers then
what I profess to be
and it causes me shame to know
we're not the people we should be.
We need to put our hands in the hand
of the man who stilled the waters
put our hands in the hands
of the man who calmed the seas
We need to take a look at ourselves
and then we can look at others differently
by putting our hands in the hand
of the man from Galilee.

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