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Sermon by Richard Baxter

Go to sinners with tears in your eyes.
Let them see that you yearn over them and that
it is the earnest desire of your heart
to do them good
Let them perceive that you have no other end
but their eternal happiness
and that is is your love that forces you
to speak.

I know it must be God that changes men’s hearts,
but I know also that God works by means,
and when he means to prevail with men
He usually suits the means to the end,
and stirs up means to plead with them
in a kindly way,
and so make it successful.

Do it from compassion and love.
We have many reprovers,
But their manner shows
too plainly
that they are not influenced by love.

Villifying or reproaching a man for his faults
is not likely to work his reformation
or convert him to God.
Men will consider people who so deal with them
to be enemies,
and the words of an enemy
are not very persuasive.

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