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Utah Landscapes

This was shot in Zion National Park. My brother and I were making our way back to Colorado from California last summer, and we got near the park around 1:30 in the night. Having missed the opportunity on a previous road trip, I detoured the 30 or so miles, despite the fact that it was thunderstorming, which might have meant no photo possibilities the following day. Driving down a small, unfamiliar road with my brother asleep, I caught occasional glimpses of the towering mountains that surrounded us, with each lightning flash. Parking at one of the trail heads, we slept in the car (we have found them quite accomodating over the years, and a lot cheaper than a motel) and woke at dawn to a clearing drizzle. Suffice to say, we couldn't have timed a better shoot. I spent that morning, to the eventual dismay of my counterpart, shooting roll after roll of amazing pictures. Many photographers will tell you: a key element in taking spectacular photographs is being in the right place at the right time.

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